A big thanks to those who have supported Genealogy Tip of the Day since our inception several years ago. I appreciate those who take the time to comment, either here, our Facebook Fan Page, or our Facebook group. Our intent is always to share research ideas in short, quick, to-the-point posts, saving the longer items for my other blogs. A person learns when doing genealogical research that there is a great deal they do not know even after they’ve researched for some time. A few things I’ve learned include: there are exceptions to just about every rule it’s important to admit our assumptions, deal with them, and get beyond them writing greatly improves your genealogical research you help people more by showing them how instead of telling them “your way […]
If your Civil War veteran relative was receiving a Union pension in January of 1898, he should have been sent this questionnaire asking about his marital status, previous wives, and children. There may be dates of death or marriage on that sheet that are not available elsewhere, especially in locations that don’t keep vital records. The illustration is from a Missouri veteran’s file and gives the name and death date for the veteran’s previous wife. Another sheet was needed to give the names and dates of birth for all his children. Civil War pensions for Union veterans are at the National Archives in Washington, DC. These cards are contained within the veteran’s pension file. They are not a separate set of records. In some cases this may be […]
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