
The author and his mother, Connie (Ufkes) Neill (1942-2015), along with an unidentified stuffed bear, taken near Macomb, McDonough, Illinois, Christmas probably 1970.

Don’t forget to record your own holiday memories for future generations.

If there’s not time during the holiday season to actually write, use a voice recorder of some type and simply record the memories in your own voice–that would be faster. The holidays are an excellent time to remember holidays past, but not always the best time to have time.

An audio or video recorder may facilitate that process.



2 Responses

  1. Twenty-five years ago, I gave my niece (the youngest member of the family at that time) a book designed to be used to record twenty-five years of family memories. It has been filled in, and read, each year.
    This year, I gave my niece’s 18-month old son and his nine-month old girl cousin copies of the same memory book.
    And we found out at Christmas dinner that we will have to get another copy for the cousin who will be born in August!

  2. These are important to keep. Make sure to record in your own voice; that is, the voice of the person who’s talking about their memories. Make sure to include the full name, date, time, and place of the recording. I wish I had recorded my families voices and music over the years. I try to do this when researching my ancestors. Nothing beats a live introduction to someone special.

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