We have had some issues with the daily email of Genealogy Tip of the Day and are going to a different free service to send the tips out every day. This new system (through Google although you don’t need a Google account)also allows for better individual management of email subscriptions. This link allows you to add your name to our new list.The old service will not be supported beginning early the week of 15 May 2017. You will need to respond to a confirmation email that you will receive after you submit your request. You will not be added to the list until you do that. Thanks! Michael
The pension file for Civil War widow Nancy Rampley is rather large and contains numerous applications and appeals. For that reason, many of the petitions are repetitive. That’s good. In one application for a pension Nancy indicated that she was “married at my father’s house.” In another she indicated she was married at “William Newmans.” Had I only read one of these I would have missed the connection. Even when documents seem repetitive to the point of being excessive, read them all. There may be a clue in there if you look deeply enough.
I posted a series of “Ancestral Clues and Lessons” on my Rootdig blog. I’m working through one at a time various ancestors I have researched and included a handful of things I’ve learned about each one–some things are genealogical and some are not. It’s been a fun series to work on. A summary of the current posts in this series can be found on our site.
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