To reduce confusion, here’s a list of my newsletters, blogs, etc
- Genealogy Tip of the Day–(one tip every day)—free to get daily–subscribe on the blog
- Genealogy Search Tip of the Day (but not always every day)- (genealogy search sites and online search tips)—free to get daily–subscribe on the blog
- Rootdig -(research stories, frustrations, and whatever interests me–a genealogical potpourri without the annoying smell)–free to get daily–subscribe on the blog
- Casefile Clues Blog—(updates on my how-to newsletter)–blog is free to get
- Michael’s Weekly Blog Update –(weekly summary from all my blogs)–$5 a year–weekly
- Casefile Clues-PDF Newsletter-(usually weekly how-to newsletter on document analysis, methodology, and more–grow your research skills–it’s easy to understand, cited, )-$20 for 52 issues.
Consider subscribing to the Michael’s Weekly Blog Update or to Casefile Clues. We try and keep the prices affordable and easy on the budget. There’s not a better genealogical education budget than Casefile Clues. It’s easy-to-read, straight-forward, and not full of overly pretentious academic prose written to appeal to an editor or reviewer.
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