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Genealogy Methods
Don’t wait. Topics include (more are on our site Genealogy Methods ):
- Avoiding Fake Ancestors
- Beginning German Research
- Crossing the Pond
- Fold3.com
- Citations
- Female Ancestors
- Pre-1850 Census Records
- Organizing Online Searches
- Problem-Solving
- Charts, Charts, and More Charts
- Using Directories
- Where Do I Go From Here?
- Tightwad Genealogy
- Courthouse Basics
- Land Patents
- and more!
Coupon code at checkout is SAVE50PERCENT. The discount will show as 50% at checkout.
DNA Genealogy Webinars
Our presentations are down-to-earth and easy to follow and understand. Our current DNA webinar offerings are:
- Preparing for Your Results
- Using ThruLines
- Using DNAPainter
- AncestryDNA Beginnings
- Sifting Through Your AncestryDNA Matches
- More Sifting Through Your AncestryDNA Matches
- FamilyTreeDNA
- GedMatch 1
- GedMatch 2
Coupon code at checkout is SAVE50PERCENT. The discount will show as 50% at checkout.
AncestryDNA Class
We’ve converted my online AncestryDNA class into a self-contained series of lectures and handouts that you can view at your leisure. There is no “attendance.” Download and view at your convenience.
Coupon code at checkout is SAVE50PERCENT. The discount will show as 50% at checkout
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