We all have those people we can’t find in certain records for one reason or another and there comes a time when it’s time to move on and search for another record or another person.

But I’ve thought about creating a master list of those people and the records in which I can’t find them (along with where I’ve searched before and how). That “Can’t Find them List” is something that periodically I could refer to and try again. Not every week or every month, but maybe a few times a year when I’m in need of a break from whatever I’m working on.

Databases do get updated. New records are discovered. Researchers realize they have made mistakes. Instead of scouring my files for things I’ve not found, a list would let me spend a little more time on them when I wanted to.

And writing up that list and the things I have tried and how I tried it just might help me to see something I have overlooked.

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