It may seem tedious, but are all the locations spelled correctly in your genealogical database? Double-checking can be a way to locate other errors, notice things that you’ve failed to follow up on, and perhaps see new avenues for research. It never hurts to clean up your genealogical database. It’s Chariton County, Missouri–not Sheridan County. Harford County, Maryland, does not have a “t” in it. Seriously.
Some publications are published regularly in multiple editions. During some time periods, newspapers may have a morning edition and an evening edition. The content may be different and the article mentioning your relative may not be in both editions or may not contain the same content in both editions. Some national or regional publications may have smaller editions that include some or all of the main content with additional material that only applies to the “smaller area.” If a publication has varying editions make certain you have searched all editions, particularly those for the same area where your relative lived.
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