I needed to add a little bit more to my provenance and identification of this thank you note I found in my parents’ collection of congratulatory cards received at their wedding–particularly information on the lady who wrote the card. At the very least, her complete name and year of death and birth should have been included–Effie (Tripp) Trautvetter Wetzel [1885-1968].
That should be sufficient. The formatting of the text is not something one should be overly concerned about. Focus should be on content. This thank you note and the wedding card included along with it only have my parents’ names written on it. If it was mailed in another envelope that has not been retained.
Spend some time putting documentation on items you scan or photograph. You will be glad you did. If the item does not have clean space on which to include textual information, enlarge the background of the image to add some blank space. Another option is to place the item on a larger piece of paper before photographing or scanning to enlarge the image surface.

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