Going through the expenses listed in your relative’s probate may give insight into their life and may also suggest additional places to look for information. This list of 1924 expenses for the late Heipke Dirks of Coatsburg, Illinois, mentions a newspaper subscription, a “church subscription,” a publishing company, the “Good Shepherd Home,” and the pastor who gave her funeral.
Searching for more information on these people and organizations may prove fruitful. GoogleBooks (books.google.com) and other sites of digitized print materials may provide some additional information on some of the items or people mentioned, particularly if county or local histories are included. Local newspapers would also be a good place to look for more information as well.
Heipke’s subscription to the Ostfriesische Nachrichten also suggests that her obituary may have appeared in that publication. The religious affiliation of the pastor referenced as “providing services at funeral” may suggest where a search for church records should be initiated.
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