from a while back…
I’ve been working on the ancestry of a Mary Dingman, born in Canada (probably Ontario) in the early 1810s. There are online trees taking her family back generations. The only problem is that there’s not really anything solid on her connection to her parents. That needs to be solved before I put all those earlier ancestors in my file.

Mary in 1850 in Winnebago, County, Illinois—who are her parents?
Since information on Mary herself is coming up short (she died in the 1850s in Illinois), I could trace her purported parents and siblings (and maybe even purported grandparents and cousins) in hopes of something turning up on her, but I need to wait to put them in her actual tree until I have a more solid connection.
One response
First off, thank you so much for your generosity in sharing so much helpful and insightful information. I have learned so much!
Back to the immediate pertinent, I feel the same about my great-grandfather, Henry Clay Ellison. His birth and death dates vary quite a bit across different records (marriage, census, cemetery), but I have yet to find a set of parents for him with which I am confident. I have tried to flesh out the “accepted” couple and their children to see if Henry appears without success. I have searched for him singularly with different ages in different places and while some of the candidates appear favorable, none of them have panned out as of yet.
It’s quite the mystery!
Again, thanks for all you do,