If it takes years for a relative’s estate to be finally settled, it can be tempting to think that the reason was because there was a legal wrangling over the estate. While sometimes that is the case, it is also possible that the relative’s surviving spouse had a lifetime interest in the property or was given a life estate by the deceased relative. It’s also possible that if there were minor heirs, the other heirs waited to finally settle the estate until all the heirs were legally old enough to execute documents. That’s often easier than going through the process of appointing a guardian. There are reasons why an estate could be drawn out over some time besides family drama. Although family drama is a frequent reason.
While working on a Virginia family at the Family History Library, I located some court records that partially explained a family and their relationships and partially confused me more than I already was. I thought if I just kept looking at the information, I would eventually “figure it out” and the likely scenario would dawn on me. It didn’t. Time spent drawing out the possible scenarios was better spent looking for more records, crossing sources off my search list, etc. It’s usually best to wait until the research is complete to start trying to put it all together. Of course, one is going to conjecture and speculate as new materials are located. That’s normal and it’s a good way to move your research forward. But sometimes it’s best […]
Sometimes the reason you can’t find a marriage record is because the couple was never actually married. I was working on a couple who had three children in Virginia shortly after the American Revolution. Records created after the father’s demise indicated that the couple was never married. There are many reasons why a couple may not marry–even during a time period when most people do. One reason is that one of them had a legal impediment to marriage–often a spouse hanging somewhere else.
It’s not always possible or practical, but sometimes databases can be searched without using the last name. Other information will need to be provided–first name, year of event, location, and other information in order to obtain a manageable number of search results. But depending upon what else you know and how large the database, a search without the last name may be a good search tool when the last name is extremely difficult to read on the original record. It’s up to the researcher to completely and carefully analyze the located record to determine if is a match for the person of interest.
It can be tempting to say that the text of a deed is “legal mumbo jumbo.” Sometimes it is. Many land records are comprised of boilerplate text that reveals no significant information. However there are times. This deed from the early 19th century in Bedford County, Virginia, indicated that the title to the property was clarified by an act of the Virginia legislature. That’s definitely something worth learning more about since their are other owners of the tract mentioned in the deed itself.
I was reviewing copies of land records I had made from Virginia while at the Family History Library. In reviewing the images, I discovered the next morning that I had neglected to indicate the volume numbers from which the images were made. Oops. It happens to everyone. Fortunately I had downloaded the entire image which included the page number. That will make it easier to get the actual volume number where the pages were actually located. Always review your images after you make them. Everyone forgets occasionally–those who say they never forget likely have imperfect memories <grin>.
Reading carefully solves many interpretation issues. This affidavit was not filed on 29 January 1887, but if I look at the date in haste I may conclude that this was the date of the document. The 1887 date was the pension act under which the widow was applying. Eliza Jane’s affidavit was actually made in 1892–five years later. Correct dates matter as information is given as of the date of the affidavit. That was especially true in this case as the affiant indicated that her late husband would have been 97 years old when the affidavit was made. I easily could have gotten the year of birth five years had I used 1887 as the year of the document.
If your ancestor naturalized, do you know how he had to live in the new country in order to naturalize? Do you know who could legally “vouch” for him if that was necessary? If you are using probate records, do you understand the general process of probate? What were the time requirements involved? Did they change over time? When your ancestor interacts with the legal system in any way, it’s advised to understand how that legal process worked. Not understanding the process can increase the chance that incorrect interpretations are made. Your ancestor did not naturalize the minute he walked off the boat. Your ancestor’s probate did not begin two years after his death.
I’m sitting at the Family History Library and can’t help but overhear a conversation three people are having regarding a series of family members. The verbal descriptions of the relationship are accurate, but confusion would be reduced if a quick chart was drawn out showing the family connections, marriages, etc. Sometimes it’s hard to keep a large amount of new information and relationships “in your head.” Sometimes it’s difficult to keep information we’ve know for decades straight in our head.
Remember that in any court case, the court is only interested in details that are necessary to render a fair and just verdict in the case being heard. There might be details that a genealogist would like to know, but the court is not concerned with leaving behind detailed genealogical information. That said, court cases where genealogical information is typically included are important, those involving inheritances and property rights of heirs, are of paramount use to the family history researcher
If it had gotten mixed up with my other “old papers,” I might never have known who “Mother” was. Fortunately this card was in a stack of other 40th anniversary cards my grandparents received in 1981. Because of that context I knew exactly who mother was. Grandma’s mother was deceased by 1981 and Granddad’s mother lived until 1986. It had to be my great-grandmother Tena Ufkes who signed the card. It helped that the writing was somewhat familiar to me as I’d seen other snippets of her writing. But if the card had not been with the others from my grandparents, identifying it would have been difficult. That’s the way genealogical records need to be analyzed: in context. My image of this card includes my provenance (how I […]
Be careful assuming a document is consistent and that every difference means something. Sometimes differences don’t mean as much as they usually do. In many newspapers, particularly in the 1950s and before, married women were listed as “Mrs. HusbandFirstname Husbandlastname.” Women listed as “Mrs. Femalefirstname Lastname” were often widowed or divorced. But there can always be inconsistencies as in this obituary from the 1930s. These three daughters of the deceased were married, their husbands were alive, and they were living with them at the time the obituary was written. Yet one is listed as “Mrs.” and the others are not. One might be tempted to think Mrs. Luella Barnett was divorced or widowed. She was not.
A marriage record may indicate the bride was “Miss” or “Mrs.” There is also the possibility that the title is missing. A missing title only indicates the title is missing and the bride may or may not have had a previous husband. And always make sure you read the “Miss” or “Mrs.” correctly. For some writers the two words look alike–and genealogists know there’s a big difference.
Did you relative get the wrong name in their head? I wrote a complete blog post about a man named Joseph Watson, only to refer to him as James Watson almost every time I used his name. Is it possible that your ancestor simply referred to the wrong person when giving information? And proofread what you write–more than once. It’s possible that you made a mistake as well–and those accidental, “got it in my head wrong” mistakes sometimes come back to haunt you.
It can be easy to lose a female ancestor after her husband dies. Sometimes she’s right there where she always was and sometimes she’s not. Failing to research the widow after her husband’s death can cause the researcher to overlook additional information and possible clues about her origins and parents. Sometimes additional children are overlooked. If you’ve lost your widowed ancestress, consider: searching marriage records to see if she remarried; looking for deeds drawn up after the husband’s death or (more likely) settlement deeds drawn up after the widow died; whether she moved in with one of her children who had left the area; looking to see if she’s buried near any of her children in cemeteries other than where the husband is buried; seeing if she applied […]
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