. Do not assume that the local records offices will be open just because you have made an unannounced thousand mile trip. Contact the local offices before your scheduled arrival just to be certain there will not be any unexpected closures. Also ask if there are days that the office is less busy (perhaps days when court is not in session). The short amount of time spent preparing may be well worth it. Local staff may even give you suggestions on where to stay. I know of several counties where the best motel may be in the next county. Never hurts to ask. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
We have just released our latest series of webinars: Charts, Charts and More Charts Google Docs Proving Ellen What Is Unwritten You can order all four for $20.00–just put “florence” as the coupon code at checkout.That’s a savings of $11.00!  Charts, Charts, and More Charts Charts, Charts, and More Charts discusses a variety of charts that can be used to organize your research. No family group or pedigree charts here–I discuss a variety of customized charts that I’ve used for years in my own research. Whenever I’m confused or something doesn’t make sense, I make a chart as readers of Casefile Clues already know. This webinar is geared towards advanced beginners or intermediate researchers. $8.50.    Google Docs This webinar discussed using Google Docs, particularly sharing, collaborating, and publishing your content […]
At least in one sense. Toddlers are often asking “why?” and are very inquisitive. Genealogists need to be asking the same thing. Why did my ancestors move from point A to point B?Why did they wait five years to settle up the estate?Why did Grandma say she was born in Iowa when she was actually born in Ohio?Why did they attend the “wrong” church? Sometimes there is no way to find out why, but often just thinking about it can move your research along. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
It is not always possible to tell, but consider finding out where the boundaries of your ancestor’s property came from. A survey plat of my ancestor’s farm in 1940 indicated that the boundaries of his 100+ acre farm came from: the section line the railroad a hedge row The railroad is no longer there, but that “line” still exists as the property north of the line is not owned by the person who owns my ancestor’s farm today.  Learning a little about the “lines” of your ancestor’s property may give you a quick history lesson.  It may even give you a few genealogical clues in the process. And if your ancestors were city dwellers, consider learning the origin of the name of the street on which they lived.  […]
Seeing this image from an 1874 county atlas made me think of a possible transcription or indexing error that can be particularly frustrating. The owner of part of the northern part of this section of property is “B. Urton.” It certain would be easy for the name to be indexed (particularly if OCR is being used) as “Burton.” Just a thought! ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Not every record contains an index to every name in the record. Some materials, court records and land records in particular, only have indexes to the main parties involved. Are you avoiding these records simply because every name is not indexed and the materials take more time to navigate? Doing so may cause you to overlook key information. If the only sources you use are those that have online “point and click” indexes, chances are there is a wealth of material waiting for you to find it. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
A seminar attendee came up to me after a session several months ago and asked about her problem ancestor. When I asked where she got her details, she said that most of the “story” came from her aunt who did some genealogy research several years ago. While possibly true, the story the aunt told her seemed slightly far-fetched. I asked the attendee what documents she had on the problem ancestor–very few. In trying to prove the “story” the attendee had overlooked some other scenarios that fit the records she did have. Of course, these stories were less dramatic. I gave her a couple of suggestions that fit what she had already obtained. I also suggested, that for the time being, she put the aunt’s story aside and focus […]
When searching for a family in an everyname census, search for the family member whose name is the least likely to be spelled or enumerated incorrectly. It is no guarantee you will find the right people, but sometimes it’s easier to find John than it is to find Fredericka. The problem with some names is that they have quite a few diminutives that may make them harder to find. Of course, unusual names spelled correctly are easier to find also–as long as they spelled correctly. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
If your ancestor goes “poof” and comes back 5-10 or so years later, have you consider they headed west for the Gold Rush or any other event that caused people to pack up and leave in a hurry? Some families found life wasn’t all what they thought it would be in their new location and returned to where they were from. And of course, the direction might not have been west at all. It’s just worth remembering that your anecstor might have moved somewhere in hopes of better opportunities and, when finding those opportunities weren’t what they thought they would be, eventually headed “back home.” ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Was your family one of those that kept heading west every few years, leaving family behind in numerous locations? Have you searched for other relatives in those “left behind location?” If your ancestor left Amherst County, Virginia, in 1801 your research in Amherst County should not stop in 1801. There might be other family members left behind whose records provide clues about your direct line ancestors. There might even be descendants in the area today who could provide research help. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
There are words that some genealogists get confused. Cite and site are two of them–we’ve just thrown sight in for fun. To cite means to indicate the source of some material and to indicate that source in a way that others can locate the material that was used. The site is a location where something is or where something took place. And of course, sight means to see something. So if you use a cemetery as your source and you visit it yourself, you have used your sight to cite the site. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
We have announced a reduced schedule of genealogy webinars for May 2012.New presentations include: What is Not Written Charts, Charts, and More Charts We’ve also rescheduled two presentations that had to be postponed earlier this year, including Google Docs. If you already signed up, you do not need to do so again.   We’re looking forward to some great sessions.   You can learn more about the sessions or register at: http://www.casefileclues.com/webinars_neill.htm ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Document transcriptions should always be made as close to the original document–errors and all. Sometimes it is clear that the original document is in error. It is not the job of the transcriptionist to correct the error. Instead put the word sic in brackets after the error, like so “I John give to my daughter William[sic] the farm on which I now live.” Sic indicates that the word was copied from the original and the error was not done on the part of the transcriptionist. Use sic whenever it appears that the original is incorrect. If you feel the need to comment on the error do so in a commentary that clearly is separate from the transcription ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
For years, I was unable to access the records of one church my ancestors attended because when I went to try and see them I was told that the pastor was gone and no one else had a key to the safe in which the records were kept. Later on a whim I contacted the denominational archives and learned that the records I needed had actually been microfilmed and were in their collection. Have you contacted the archives of the denomination with which the congregation was affiliated to see if they have a copy or the records or any additional information on the church in question? It may be worth a try. Just last week I learned that the records of another church I need have been microfilmed […]
Our last set of $5 webinars are on the following topics: Illinois Research The Probate Process US Naturalization Records pre-1920 Local Land Records in Public Domain Land States Newspaper Research The link for more details and ordering is here: http://genealogytipoftheday.blogspot.com/p/discounts_05.html Sale on these is over in 36 hours–don’t wait. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
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