It’s not an end of the world movie fought by tractors. Tractor Wars is a book about the development of the farm tractor and the individuals and companies instrumental in that development. If your farming ancestors lived in the United States in the very late 1800s and early part of the 20th century, then this book may be of interest. The tractor changed farming in many ways and was one of the factors that eventually lead to larger farms and fewer farm families. The book is about the development of the tractor industry itself and focuses on the key players and companies in that industry. How the tractor changed farming is mentioned in general and in passing, but this book is not a detailed study of how the […]
I don’t need four repairmen coming over, I just need one who knows what he’s doing. Citation and documentation matter in genealogical research. But “sources” are more than just citing them and the number of them you in an attempt to prove a fact about a deceased relative. It is the accuracy of those sources and whether or not they are truly independent that matters. A person may have four original documents that provides the same piece of information: a place of birth. But if those documents (a death certificate, a marriage application, an obituary, and a biography written by the same person) all have the same informant, it’s really just one piece of information that is dependent on how reliable that person is. A place of birth […]
No genealogist wants to hear “the courthouse burned and all the records were destroyed.” The reality is that sometimes that statement is only partially true. Other times there are partial workarounds to those times when a courthouse and its records were really destroyed. The first thing to do is to determine what actually was destroyed. This may mean reaching out to others besides the local records offices. In some locations research guides to the area in question may indicate what materials really were destroyed and what ones are still extant. Local libraries, genealogical/historical societies are a good place to start asking about what records are available. Individuals familiar with research in the area can be another great resource. These people may not live in the area and may […]
Do you completely research all the ex-spouses of your ancestor after they and your ancestor divorced? Records after the divorce may mention your ancestor, their children, or provide research clues that help with your actual ancestor. And you never know, you may just find a really interesting story–even if your ancestor is not mentioned. I did. It included a fall down an elevator shaft and a box of missing estate documents that were never found. And the probate ended up mentioning the ex-wife. Help support Genealogy Tip of the Day by visiting any of the following sites: Try a GenealogyBank Genealogy Search to see what you find. AncestryDNA offers. Books on Michael’s Genealogy Shelf My webinars My 1950 Census prep webinar
Thomas Price supposedly left behind a lock box with valuable papers related to his estate when he died in Quincy, Illinois, in 1923. It was never found. The probate packet made no mention of the missing papers (because they were not found), but there were at least two newspaper references to the missing items. One reference indicated that Thomas had been married before and had children with his first wife. Always search newspapers for references to an ancestral estate. They will not always be mentioned and the references may not be as sensational as this one, but additional family details may be alluded to in the newspaper. The widow hired an attorney and three fortune tellers to help her find the box. She had no luck.
My ancestor and at least three of his siblings spent some time in Hancock County, Illinois, during their life. Two of his siblings died there. To the best of my knowledge his parents never lived there and some of his siblings went from Indiana straight to Iowa without making any long-term stops in Illinois. The family originally lived in Indiana where the children grew up and where the father died in 1864. The question is: who was the first one to move to Hancock County, Illinois? What brought them to that area? Were there more distant relatives living in the area already? Were there others from the same Indiana location who moved to the same Illinois county? Or did one just settle there for reasons that can’t now […]
The 1950 US Census will be released to the public on 1 April 2022. There are ways to find people in the 1950 census before it is indexed (and even after it’s indexed for people whose names are issues). Those ways hinge on knowing where the person probably lived in 1950, determining the enumeration district for that location, and manually searching that district. Personally I am going to focus on the individuals in my family whose residences were stable during the mid-20th century and search for them. There will be aunts, uncles, and cousins in those areas as well who will be “easy pickings” to find. I have about seven rural townships where I will search for relatives initially. Additionally, I will search two small towns whose population […]
There are different types of witnesses one encounters in genealogical research. There are witnesses who are indicating that they saw someone sign a legal document such as a deed or a will. Those witnesses are really just testifying that they are aware of who the person signing the document is and that they are signing the document. Witnesses have to be of the legal age of majority at the time they are witnessing someone’s act. Witnesses could easily be someone at the office the same day the person signing the document was there signing it. Witnesses to certain documents cannot usually be beneficiaries of the document being signed. Witnesses in court cases or pension applications are a little bit different. They are usually providing more information about an […]
It can be tempting to think that when one member of a husband-wife couple marries again that the other spouse has died or that there was a divorce. That’s not always the case. Sometimes couples just separated with no legal arrangements at all. One of them may have up and left or they may have decided to just part company without worrying about legal entanglements. An ancestral couple of mine did just that in New York State in the early 19th century and both of them married again and had children with subsequent spouses. No divorce can be located. Another ancestor of mine, Clark Sargent, is supposed to have died near Rockford, Illinois, in the 1840s, a year or so before his wife married her second husband. It’s […]
We’ve said it before, but it definitely is worth a repeat. Whether you have a complete transcription, an abstract, a one sentence quote, or something somewhere in between, it always pays to get a copy of the record that was used. Transcriptions, while they are supposed to be complete, can contain errors or the occasional omission. Abstracts are supposed to contain “all important details,” but things get overlooked and what may appear unimportant to someone else may be germane to your research problems. Sentences or phrases lifted from a document may have been taken out of context and may have been incorrectly interpreted by the user of the quote. And always look a few pages before and after any original document in a record book for others that […]
If your relative had a marriage at the end of their life that did not last long (due to their age) and may have resulted in no children, have you researched that marriage and spouse completely? Depending on the place and time period, that marriage record may tell you more about your ancestor than their earlier marriage record. Your ancestor may have actually known the spouse for decades before the marriage (or at least been aware of them) and the spouse’s migration path may help you learn more about your own ancestor. Family heirlooms, family Bibles, etc. may have passed to the family of this final, short-term spouse. In the case of female ancestors in the United States and many other countries, knowing the last name of that […]
Autosomal DNA results are only helpful with a limited number of generations beyond the testee. As an example AncestryDNA’s ThruLines only includes suggested ancestors back through 5th great-grandparents. The reason for the limit is simple: the further back you go the less autosomal DNA you have from a specific ancestor in that generation. If you’re thinking of getting a relative DNA tested to help with your research and you are using autosomal DNA–which most of the testing companies do–see if there is a relative who is closer to your problem ancestor than you are. A relative and I are both descended from a man named Rufus D. Stephens. He is my 4th great-grandfather. He is her 5th great-grandfather. That means there’s a chance I have more of his […]
This is not a warning about posting personal information online for your own financial safety. It’s about contemplating before you post a place of birth for an ancestor if it is speculation. It’s about thinking twice before posting a maiden name for an ancestor online if your only evidence is a gut feeling you had at three in the morning right before the caffeine wore off. Once a genealogical “fact” gets posted online, it can be impossible to get it removed from all the online trees and other locations where it gets spread. The same thing has always been true about items published in print. A researcher in the 1930s included a maiden name for 18th century Virginia ancestor of mine. Ten years later, she realized the maiden […]
After years of work and some false starts, I was able to add the names of a new-to-me fourth-great-grandfather and his parents to my family tree. It’s been many years since I had a new name to add and it’s time for me to go back and do some of those beginning things when I’ve located a new ancestor. Briefly those things are: familiarize myself with the geographic area in which the families lived, the history, and the extant sources. search the genealogical literature for articles on these families. review my autosomal DNA matches to see if there are trees that include these families. evaluate information on these “new” ancestors to make certain that the information makes sense, is consistent, and does not have gaps in logic or […]
When we mention “issues” with transcription of records for indexes and other finding aids, there are responses that “you should read the whole page,” “learn how to read the individual clerk’s handwriting,” etc. Completely agree. The problem is that many of us rely on indexes and databases created by others in order for us to locate specific records. Being aware of transcription issues and challenges is one way to make more effective use of those databases. We also hear that “manual searches are necessary.” There is no doubt that a line by line search or a document by document search is the best way to make certain that no item or entry is overlooked. The problem with that approach is that some records are too voluminous for a […]
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