The old tips that did not get uploaded originally have all been posted to the blog. Thanks for your patience. This should end the “more than one” daily postings.  
If your relative took a state examination to receive a teaching certificate, there’s a chance that it was mentioned in a local newspaper. Have you looked? This newspaper item from 1918 mentions my aunt, Luella Trautvetter. She would have been 17 at the time she took the test. Now I’ve got to look and see if she passed–this newspaper reference only indicated those who took the exam in March of 1918 in Adams County, Illinois.
Do you know the legal description of any real estate your ancestor owned in the United States? The legal description precisely states where your ancestor’s property is located, such as: Lot 5 in block 2 of section 8 of Wilson’s Addition to the City of Warsaw, Illinois The north half of section 2 in township 4 north of the 5th principal meridian. Some land indexes are organized geographically. Tax records are organized geographically and other records are organized in this fashion as well. In upcoming tips we’ll have ideas on finding that legal description.
Join us for a week of genealogical research in the world’s largest genealogical library in May of 2016–18 May through 25 May.  We are in the library from open to close–with an optional hour long presentation at 8 am. every morning. More details are here.
I’m caught up on approving comments. Between being out of town and getting hit with spam, I was overwhelmed. The comments have all been approved. There are a few I need to respond to, but was not certain when that would happen….so I just went ahead and approved them. Thanks for your patience.
It has been fun…but…   After nearly 5 years, on 22 August we’re going to close our genealogy webinar saleson our website so that I can direct my genealogical efforts elsewhere. I’m a one person enterprise and it’s time to devote my energies in other directions. We’re keeping the newsletters and the blogs, but webinar distribution will be ending on 22 Aug. Now’s a great time to add any overlooked presentations to your collection before it is too late. Remember: download is immediate presentation does expire can be viewed as many times as you want our prices are the best in the industry Our presentations are: down-to-earth practical easy to understand and follow based on in the field experience Topics include: Organizing Problem-Solving Search Strategies Census Records Court […]
For many individuals, records will not provide information that matches 100%. Census records on the same individual will provide slightly different ages or places of birth. Death certificates may provide details that do not agree with other records. Generally speaking, the genealogist has to be content with relative consistency of information–not that it matches completely. Two different census enumerations for the same person should provide enough consistent items that the researcher is fairly certain that the same person has been located, even if some details differ. There simply is not 100% consistency in genealogical research.  
One of the presentations I gave while at the Allen County Public Library was on problem-solving and real examples from my research were used. In compiling the presentation, I summarized the problem and then as a group we listed: assumptions records that might be helpful what to try first The very process of writing my problem and thinking about the assumptions gave me at least one new idea on each problem. Try it for something you’ve been stuck on for a while.
Several websites offer researcher “hints,” “leaves,” or suggestions based upon details in their database or search boxes. Sometimes these hints find the people of interest and sometimes they don’t. Determine what individual databases the site has and search those manually for the person you think “really has to be in there.” Sometimes the global hints work and sometimes they don’t.
Just because two individuals are born in the same place with the same unusual name combination, do not conclude that they are one and the same. There were at least two Andrew Trautvetters born in the early 19th century in Saxeweimar, Germany, who served in the United States military. Don’t assume based on name alone that two individuals are one and the same. Posts about Andrew (the younger) and Andrew (the older) are on my Rootdig blog.
My relative Enoch Tinsley was married to Nancy Dunaway–probably in or near Fleming County, Kentucky and before 1820 when the young couple is in the census. Nancy probably wasn’t in Fleming County by herself, before she got married. However I can’t assume that there will be Dunaways living near Enoch in the 1820 census. There are many reasons, including these: her parents lived in Fleming County between about 1811 and 1819–long enough for her to meet and marry Enoch, but not long enough live there when the census was taken. her father had died and her mother remarried and is living right next door with a last name that I’m totally unaware of. Nancy lived in Fleming County with either a married sister of her father or a […]
We are excited to bring our genealogy webinars back at the end of summer. New offerings include: Researching in the US before 1850 Charts, Charts, and More Charts Genealogy Terminology Preserving Past You More details are on our webinar page.
FamilySearch has a number of indexes to census, vital, and other records. These may come up when a search is performed. But…. There are records on FamilySearch that are not indexed. In some cases, FamilySearch has essentially “put rolls of microfilmed records” online. These records are often unindexed, although some may be alphabetical in nature, having indexes in each volume or an index created by the original record holder that was also microfilmed. But if you are only using on FamilySearch what you find by a name search, then you are missing out.
When manually searching newspapers, always make certain to search before the death as well as after. There may be a mention of a final illness with details not included in the obituary or death certificate.
Formatting transcriptions can be difficult when one wants to follow the original as closely as possible. That’s especially true with tombstones. One standard indication of the end of a line on a tombstone transcription is to use a slash ( / ). The stone in this post would be transcribed as: / T / John M. Trautvetter / June 22, 1839-Dec. 13, 1917/ [line] /Franciska His Wife / July 25, 1851-Jan. 15, 1888 / at rest / Of course additional information should include the location of the tombstone, nearby tombstones, relative position of the stone within the cemetery, etc.
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