I hate to call them “variant” spellings because that suggests the family actually used the spelling at one point or another. Sometimes errors are simply errors. And there can always be one more incorrect rendering of a last name no matter how many other spellings have been located. For me the actual last name was Tammen and the “new” variant was Tanney. It’s from a transcription and little thought is needed to see how two “m”s can be read as two “n”s. The “n” as a “y” is a little more suspect, but without seeing the original handwriting it’s hard to say how reasonable the interpretation was. Getting the original document is on my to-do list. Just a reminder to keep your mind open to other renderings when […]
It can be tempting for genealogists to assume that the structure of things today are the way they have been for longer than they may have. Two of my grandparents graduated from the same high school I did. It was after I had been researching my genealogy for some time when I discovered that they didn’t attend all their high school years at that same school. They both attended the first three years of high school at high schools very near to where they lived, but ones that only offered the first three years of high school. They both chose to attend the county seat high school for their fourth year. I had just assumed they went there all four years like I did. It’s not just high […]
Old newspapers and obituaries often contain the abbreviation viz. Some genealogists wonder exactly what viz means, so in this tip we will look at three abbreviations that often are confused. e.g. from exempli gratia – “for example” (common usage is that what follows e.g. is an example and not a complete list of items) i.e. from id est – “that is” or “in other words” (common usage is that what follows is a restatement of something previously stated) viz. from videlicet – “it may be seen” (common usage is that what follows is a complete list) A little story serves to illustrate. The reality: James Jones was born in Harford County, Maryland and his wife was born in Smith County, Ohio. They were married in Smith County, Ohio, in 1830. James and Elizabeth (Smith) Jones had children named Riley, […]
Before you reach conclusions or create a story, get your facts straight. Years ago, I was given a baptismal certificate for a relative. My 3rd great-grandparents were the sponsors. Their names were on the certificate. As I held the document in my hand, I thought of how neat it was that I was holding a piece of paper that my ancestors may have touched or at the very least might have been nearby when it was being created. It was some time later when I read the item more carefully. It was not a certificate made out when the baptism took place. It was on the certificate the pastor had created a few years after the fact. It was still an interesting document and one I am glad […]
If she was, her application papers could provide valuable research clues, even if you have no interest in joining the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). Older applications were approved with less stringent standards than today, but there may still be pieces of information contained in those applications that is unavailable elsewhere. Visit the DAR Archives page or the DAR Genealogy pagefor more information.
The clerk, enumerator, or records official may not have followed the directions they were given. The 1950 US census instructions indicate that individuals born in a hospital outside of the state in which their parent resided at the time of their birth should be listed with a place of birth of where the parents were living. Based on those instructions, my parents (whose parents lived in Illinois, but whose nearest hospital was in Iowa) should have had Illinois listed as their place of birth in the 1950 census. Their place of birth is listed as Iowa. Sometimes directions are not followed.
One can be tempted to think that records created at the county level (land records, court records, probate records, etc.) are always maintained at the county level. In some states, counties that find themselves unable to maintain their older records are encouraged (if not required) to turn them over to a state agency for safe keeping, retention, and preservation. Do you know what the policy is in the state in which your ancestor lived? Have you looked recently at websites of state archives to see what records they have other than those that were created by state agencies?
There are no guaranteed results with any genealogical research. No one can guarantee to find something unless they already know it is there. No one can guarantee to solve a genealogical problem unless they already know the answer to it. All a researcher can guarantee is that they will research the records to the best of their ability and accurately report their findings. Of course when one hires a researcher, they want to hire someone who has experience in searching the records; is familiar with how the records were created, organized, and maintained; and is skilled in their interpretation and analysis.
The extant records indicate my ancestor left his farm to his wife as a life estate with the property to be split among their children at her demise. She wrote a will giving her son all “her property.” That will was denied probate as she did not have actual title to the farm. It would be easy to create a little family drama based on the extant records. It’s wise to avoid that temptation and stick to what is in the records: his bequest to his wife prevented her from selling/transferring the property herself, it was to go to their children after her demise, and she wrote a will attempting to give the farm to one of her children. The ancestor wanted to make certain his wife got […]
Among the questions the 1880 US agricultural census asks are ones about farm tenure. This section of the census includes whether the farm is conducted by the owner or a renter (who either rents for a fixed amount of a share of produce). The 1880 US agriculture census and other Federal non-population census schedules are online at FamilySearch and other websites.
Many databases will be titled something like “Blah Blah Records of Blah Blah: 1800-1900.” Always try and determine just years are really included in the database. It could be that the “Blah Blah Records of Blah Blah: 1800-1900” actually only contains entries for: 1800-1820 1845 1860-1880 1890-1900 Read the “more about,” “FAQ,” or whatever they call it to determine just how complete the database is. If necessary, browse the records to determine the time periods that are actually included in the database. The Blah Blah database includes records between 1800 and 1900, but there are gaps. And of course, your person of interest lived in the area from 1830 until 1840…and his grandson lived there from 1892-1898.
Remember that even after counties are “formed” and fairly settled, county boundaries can change. A change between two Kentucky counties well after each was formed transferred several square miles from one to the other. Not a large part of either county. But just enough to make my ancestor’s farm go from being in one county to being in another. And causing land records to start being recorded in the “new” county.
The law matters in genealogical research. Many genealogical conclusions and research approaches are based upon what laws were in effect when our ancestors were living in a certain time and place. There are those occasional times when the law is ignored for one reason or another. But before you decide your ancestor (or your family) was ignoring or skirting the law, ask yourself, “how plausible is it that my ancestor could get away with this?” It’s one thing to get married a few years before being of legal age. It’s possible, but perhaps slightly more difficult, to marry when you’ve got a spouse and five children living in the same county where you are marrying again. It’s difficult to leave two siblings out of your parent’s estate when […]
State statute may have indicated that a divorced person wait a set amount of time before getting married again. That time frame can vary. A divorced person may have had to wait a year to marry again. The amount of time may have been different if the grounds of divorce were adultery and the divorced person was marrying the person with whom they committed the adultery mentioned in the divorce. Contemporary state statues will indicate what limitations there were on a person’s ability to marry again after a divorce.
Was there a name that family members refused to use for one reason or another? Was there a nickname that a parent was opposed to a child using? Have you tracked that information in your genealogy records and (if possible) the reason behind it? I’ve written elsewhere about why name which was originally supposed to be John Michael became Michael John and know that others have to have similar stories. Check out MyHeritage’s current offerings!
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