Don’t forget to thank those who assist you with your research, either by giving a suggestion, helping you get a record, transcribing a document, etc.

This 1935 letter notifying the pension department that the veteran was deceased also include a thanks for the pension money.
Thanking someone is the right thing to do and makes the doer more likely to help you or someone else in the future. And…you never know when you may need that person’s advice again or when they may stumble on something that can help you.
2 Responses
This is one of my pet peeves. Of all the people I have helped over the years with their research, I’ve only had one say ‘thank you’. It only takes a moment to show some appreciation for the work someone has done for you. I don’t mind helping others and sharing my research skills, but sometimes I have to think twice about doing it yet once again, only to receive no recognition for all the work I’ve done on someone else’s behalf.
So important! Thanks for the reminder!