Have you thought about what will happen to your genealogy materials when you are no longer able to maintain them?

Think about it now and plan before it’s too late.



3 Responses

  1. Thank you very good reminder . Last fall I located my great grand mothers maiden name family. Which I and my dad and many others never met before. They shared a lot of good information and had a book of their family line ( Weeks ) back to 1388. I located the writer and now have my own copy. She has allowed me to scan all of her notes of that line. She wrote 20 books on connected surnames and has a room full of all the reference material, like marriage license, newspaper clippings, obituary etc. She did them before computers . She is up in years and not very healthy and will not be here much longer. Can’t do it any more. She likes my visits and the donuts I bring.
    She is glad someone is interested and ask me to continue we’re she left off. I am almost 60 and she stopped at the name of my grandmother and her siblings. She is donating that room full of information to her local liberty with some also going to the local historical museum. That family line has been there since the 1850’s.
    Suggestioning what people can do with the information would have been a good thing to add to this article.

    • We’ll try and include some thoughts on what to do to preserve things. The tip was really meant to be a wake up call more than anything–and I try and keep the tips relatively short and preservation discussions can get long. We will return to this topic.

      Thanks for writing and sharing your experience.

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