I finally found a used copy of  Fields, Fens and Felonies: Crime and Justice in Eighteenth-Century East Anglia at a lower than usual price at Amazon.com and decided to purchase it. My own ancestor was a convict from East Anglia who was transported to Maryland in 1764. Learning some history is never a bad thing. I discovered this book when doing a Google search for an ancestor.

When did you last read some history related to your ancestor?

Michael’s genealogy bookshelf can be viewed on my Rootdig website.



2 Responses

  1. I love reading history about events and places where and when my ancestors lived. Over the last year I’ve read a half a dozen books about medieval English royals. I finally get what the War of the Roses was all about.
    I have over a dozen books on my Amazon wish list or in my cart and when the price is right and I have time to read, I’ll snap it up. Even though these books aren’t specifically about my relatives, they put the family story into perspective and sometimes suggest other avenues of research.

  2. I am currently reading “A History Of The Wife” by Marilyn Yalom. It is full of wonderful social history data. I generally have a fiction book and a non fiction book I am reading along with an audio book to listen to in the car. I often use the State Library Of Ohio’s digital service to check out my kindle books and my audio books.

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