Put all your ancestor’s residences on the same map. Compare it to your chronology. Is there a chance they might have stopped somewhere “in between” two places and left records of some type? If the locations are urban with street addresses, make certain you have maps that are contemporary to your problem.

Genealogy Tip of the Day is proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank.



2 Responses

  1. Never thought of doing a map but I should have because I have ancestors living in the same local not related to each other. Thanks for the idea.

  2. I LOVE using maps. I was researching family in Virginia waaaay back when, and every record I found put them in a different county. I couldn’t see them packing up and moving a few miles every few years, so I looked up old county boundaries in the area. It was easy to see they never moved,but the place they lived was reapportioned to several different counties while they were there. In fact today, that spot is in West Virginia.
    Mapping the rivers and waterways has also helped me understand why someone seems to live out in the middle of nowhere. When I look at the map and the migration routes, turns out they are actually living on the main highway of the day.
    I always appreciate your tips. Thanks!

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