There are no answers in the back to check your genealogy work.

Your genealogy research is not a homework assignment where you can check the answers or someone can check your work for you. In some families you may be the first person ever attempting the homework.

And in other cases you may have other people in your “class” (ie, family) who aren’t as concerned about as being accurate as you are.

That’s why you constantly want to make certain that your conclusions make sense and are reasonable, you track where you find things (even if you citations aren’t “prefect”), track why you concluded what you did, and keep a list of sources that you’ve used.

And while there are no guarantees in genealogy, doing those things will increase the chance that you do get the right answer. Or at least as right of an answer as is possible.

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4 Responses

  1. I have a name in the family … trying to figure out how to connect or disconnect her from a same name in the peter robinson group … it makes perfect sense why she would become part of our family … just .. how do i prove it .. aaargh … of course if she is from there then the trail runs cold as most of those area records in the old country seem to have been destroyed in the 1920 rebellion… grew up supporting that rebellion in theory .. now a wee bit annoyed … they just had to take over the post office eh ? There wasnt a better place to hole up ? Anyone know of work done on the robinson groups first decades in canada … point me that way please

    • You are welcome!
      [Patty was referring to the “letters” of the day that normally appear on our Facebook page.]

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