The man’s name was actually Mel Verslius. His World War 2 draft card accidentally listed him as Melver Sluis before they made the correction. Any chance your ancestor’s name “got split” in the wrong place?
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3 Responses
How can u fix it if that happens? I’ve tried to spell something but the phone/computer changes it?
The easiest way is to delete and try again. Usually it will let you change it. The names written incorrectly on documents are another problem 😉
Patty, what you’re referring to is that annoying technological invention we call “autocomplete,” in which, after you’ve typed the first few letters of a word, your computer’s/device’s “brain” (software program) thinks it knows the rest of your word, so helps you out by automatically completing your word. Unfortunately, our devices aren’t always capable of reading our brains, and they guess wrong. My keyboarding is sloppy, and if I mistype a single letter near the beginning of my word, autocomplete does its best to anticipate what I was intending to say. Autocomplete doesn’t remember my repetitive typos. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why I was often signing my emails with “Amaryllis,” rather than Mary. It’s because the uppercase key, which I hit in order to capitalize my M, was next to the “a” key. If I didn’t quite make it that far left, I typed “amary,” which morphed into my new name, Amaryllis. Annoying!