I always read the obituaries on the website of the only funeral home in the town where I grew up. A recent posting contained names I recognized as being a relative, but a few things didn’t jive with my memory. It wasn’t just my memory that was wrong–the obituary was as well. And the obituary, like my memory, left a few details out. And, for me, the days of calling my Mother for potential clarification (although she wasn’t always an “original” source) are long gone.

The maiden name of the mother was incorrect. His grandmother’s maiden name (or possibly the grandmother’s middle name) was used instead–at this point I’m not certain as my connection to the deceased was on the other side of the family. Other recent online obituaries were used to compare with the newest one, but it’s important to remember that obituaries are not always the best of sources and that relationships as stated in an obituary can change from one obituary to another–especially when individuals have been married more than once and divorce and other family dynamics come into play. And there was a niece who appeared in only one obituary–and not others where individuals with the same relationship she had were listed.

Never rely on one source. Even when multiple sources can be accessed, they may be incorrect. Always keep in mind the probable informant for any information and the probability that the information they gave was accurate.




One response

  1. This is a good caveat to keep in mind. A recent obit of a first cousin once removed – who grew up next door to me – was full of similar errors, and like you another cousin and I chalked the misinformation up to second marriage/divorce sourcers as well, and let it go. Still I search out obits and am glad to find them for long deceased relatives but will remind myself to take the information with a grain of salt and double check new information as best I can.

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