What was the last undigitized record you accessed?
Not everything is online.
Manuscript records can hold great clues–many which have been hiding for decades. It can be more difficult to access materials that have not been made available in digital format, but brick walls are sometimes “brick walls” because no one has gone beyond materials that are readily available.
There are many reasons for “brick walls,” but accessing as many materials as possible is one great way to reduced the number that you have.

2 Responses
On Oct 31 I got the transcript of my great grandparents marriage from the Methodist Church in Nova Scotia. We’ve been hunting for it for over 100 years. It is not on line and they can’t photocopy it for me but I did get a certified transcription emailed to me.
Pictures of a family Bible’s pages with births and marriages and deaths of a great great aunt and her children and siblings.