You never know who will appear in a search at GoogleBooks. The site contains images of millions of pages of books–some out of copyright and others not.

An entry was even located for my uncle, a career marine during the approximate 1920-1950 time frame. I never expected to find a reference to him, but there it was. One never knows what references could be located with a search of GoogleBooks at



One response

  1. I was just thinking this very thing! My granddad recently passed along a wealth of family information including a copy of a letter written decades ago sharing the Civil War era life story of HIS great-great-aunt! Among the 10 page biography was a reference to a confrontation between her husband & his employer which led to her husband’s murder. Even with an inaccurate spelling of the employer’s name, a quick Google search with some of the data I did have turned up a FASCINATING story of bribery, collusion & defrauding the government! Said husband found out about the scheme & confronted the employer before going to the authorities with what he knew. The entire case is laid out in hundreds of pages of Congressional hearing transcripts posted to Google Books & I never would have known they existed–or that they are absolutely free to read in their entirety–had I not spent a few minutes searching.

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