When you have a new county that is a part of your genealogical research, make certain you know the county seat, when different types of records begin and where they were created, where the county lines are now and where they were when your people lived there, and information on local repositories. These pieces of information are just to get you started finding the information you need to know. There is more than this that will be helpful with your research, but these facts are an absolute must.

These websites will get you started:

  • The USGenWeb page for the county– some of these are not updated frequently.
  • The FamilySearch Wiki page for the county–some of these are incomplete and not always entirely accurate
  • County Historical/Genealogical society webpages–do a Google search
  • Web Pages for libraries in the county (or your towns nearby towns if county has a large population)–to see if they have genealogy pages–Google searches should help locate these



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