Ran across a picture of this clock while scanning my negatives. Reminded me of the importance of photographing your own family items and writing up their history. You cannot give one item to everyone, but you can share the stories and pictures of these items with everyone.
Family tradition has it that this clock was owned by my second great-grandparents. My Mom was fairly certain she remembered my great-grandma Tjode (Goldenstein) Habben having this clock in their house for some time before Tjode passed away in 1954.
What I know (because it took place in my lifetime) is that my great-grandma’s sister Altje had the clock and gave it to my grandmother before Altje died. Before my grandmother moved to Florida after my grandfather’s death, she gave the clock to me. For sentimental reasons, my Mom had it in her home for a while before her death.
When writing up these stories, try and distinguish what you know from personal experience versus what you know because you were told it by someone else. Avoid using pronouns when writing up such stories. There are several females in this story and “she” could easily refer to any of them. Better to be a little stilted in the writing than being unclear.
Take the time to write even if you are not writing about a clock.
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