Even if your relative did not change denominations, consider the possibility that they attended several different churches. A relative’s second wife attended three different Lutheran churches in the city of Chicago over a fifteen year period. The records of each church were helpful in locating more information on her as the membership rosters provided different details each time. The churches may have been different branches of Lutheranism at the time but that is no longer the case. It could be the family moved for a short time and one church was closer. It could be that a relative attended one of the other churches for a time. It could also be that she had a falling out with the members of the Ladies’ Aid or the pastor as […]
Remember when reading any foreign language material that is handwritten, that not only are the words in a different language–the script may not be what you are used to either. What appears to be an English “L” could be a different letter entirely. Those who are challenged with German handwriting may find Tips and Tricks of Deciphering German Handwriting: A Translator’s Tricks of the Trade for Transcribing German Genealogy Documents by Katherine Schober helpful.
Genealogy is like house dusting. When you think you’ve got it done, it seems like there is more or something that you missed. Or a new spot of dust appears and it’s just begging to be wiped away (or researched to stretch the metaphor). If completing the 5-generation genealogy book of your ancestor’s descendants is too much, start smaller. Work on just the grandchildren of the couple and try and document those individuals. If that project seems too large, work on writing up the ancestral couple as much as you can. Write up what you have. Cite your documents or sources as you go. Try and research the couple as much as you can, but writing (even if just for yourself) can cause you to notice gaps or […]
There are a couple of quick lessons from this 1941 high school year book picture of my aunt sitting at her classroom desk at Gridley High School in Gridley, Illinois. Yearbooks are not just for students. Teachers, administrators, and other staff members may have their pictures or other information included in them. OCR reading of text may not interpret names correctly. In this case, the automatic reading of the text thought her last name was “Habben-Homemaking.” It was just Habben. We could add “keep your desk clean” as another tip, but for many of us that’s a lost cause. There’s still time to join me in my upcoming webinar on using GedMatch.com and DNAPainter. Join us!
I’m not overly knowledgeable about cars and passed the mechanic’s detailed discussion of my vehicle issues to a friend with more smarts about vehicles than me. Did my friend get a complete and accurate description of the problem from me? Probably not. I wasn’t the best conduit for the information. The same applies to family stories that have been passed down. There could have been details that did not make complete sense to the hearer/reteller of the story and their retelling of that story may have been impacted by that lack of knowledge. Incorrect details can be unintentional on the part of the teller and may not change the essence of the story. But they can cause our research to go astray if we are unwilling to admit […]
Normally an ancestor has to be dead to have an estate settlement, has to be born to have a birth certificate, etc. Think about what really HAS to be when you research your ancestor. He didn’t have to get married to reproduce. He didn’t have to name his oldest son after his father. He didn’t have to get married near where his first child was born. He didn’t have to have a relative witness every document wrote. There are few “have tos” in genealogy. Make certain you aren’t using “have tos” to make brick walls for yourself.
We’ve moved our webinar on DNAPainter and GedMatch to 7 July 2019 at 8 PM central time. There are additional details on our announcement page. There is still time to register or pre-order a recording.
The text of a document, tombstone, etc. communicates information about a person or an event. Sometimes that information is explicitly stated, sometimes it is implied–if we interpret the document in addition to reading it. But there may be more than just words on a record. Are there other “images” on the source you are looking at that also communicate information? A funeral card, memorial card, or tombstone may have images that are symbolic and not just decorative filler. A document may also have numbers written on it that have meaning as well. Twentieth-century death certificates in the United States have numbers that indicate information about the cause of death. There may be numbers on a court paper or record that indicate a file number, docket number, etc. Or […]
Identification is important. Clarity is important. Avoiding ambiguity is important. With those things in mind, when identifying individuals on pictures, on family ephemera, in writings, etc. avoid using only the word “Grandma,” “Grandpa,” “Aunt,” etc. After all, to which Grandma Neill are you referring? Your Grandma? Your Dad’s Grandma? Your children’s Grandma? If you want to use Grandma at least use the individual’s complete name after the use of the term, Grandma Ida (Trautvetter) Neill, Grandma Connie (Ufkes) Neill, etc. Also avoid using abbreviations if at all possible, particularly ones that you’ve created yourself. Will someone else know what you meant?
It stands to reason that your direct-line relative will be married a justice of the peace or another warm body able to certify marriages in close proximity to the bridal couple at the time of the event. In these cases the genealogical clues that can be ascertained from the officiant are minimal. Determine who married all the ancestral siblings. If the family was remotely religious (and potentially listed in church records), there’s a good chance at least one of the family members took the time to have a religious ceremony. In terms of it being a clue it doesn’t matter much if it your ancestor of interest or their sibling. Unless the church member was the in-law. But then you’ll have to research to know that. Which is […]
Melinda Newman’s 1860-era estate inventory in Linn County, Iowa, indicated that she owned a galvanic battery at the time of her death. These batteries were used as a “cure” for various medical ailments. It wasn’t an old battery that she used to run her buckboard wagon when the horse wasn’t feeling up to it. And, just based on her owning the battery, it’s difficult to say exactly what ailment she suffered from–particularly because various advertisements indicated that these batteries could be used to cure a variety of ailments. I can’t use her ownership of the battery to state she had any particular illness. It’s always worth taking care to not reach conclusions that are not supported by the evidence. What I know is that she owned a galvanic […]
This is not a tip about Oklahoma or phrases that rhyme. Do you track favorite sayings of your relatives–particularly those who were a part of your immediate family? Some of them might not be quite as short as “okie-dokie” which my Mother often used. There might have been ones like: Wait til you start paying the bills. Life ain’t a bed of roses. I’m still the boss around here…I’m not dead yet. and so on. These phrases can provide some insight into the person for those who never knew them. And for those of us who did know them, occasionally seeing the phrases or being reminded of them can bring back fond memories. It’s not always about preserving memories for those who will come after us. Sometimes it’s […]
One wants to encourage relatives who have taken a new interest in their family history. One way that many people come to genealogical research now is through DNA testing. The companies that market autosomal tests lead many to conclude that the test is all you need and that the rest is automatic. Because after all those trees tied to DNA tests are correct. Autosomal DNA tests confirm relationships, but the more distant those relationships are beyond parent/child and sibling relationships, the more potential that the relationship isn’t exactly what the site predicts. Most sites indicate that the predictions are predictions, but that doesn’t stop people from believing that they are 100% correct. The “match” confirms that two test submitters are related, but other, traditional sources, will have to […]
Write it down while it’s fresh in your head. Doesn’t matter what it is, you will forget. And preserve that writing: Take a picture of it and file it. Email it to yourself. Put it in your genealogy software. Type up a word processing document. Don’t just leave it in your head…for some of us that’s asking for it to get lost–permanently.
We still have openings or pre-order your copy for download. We’ve revised our webinar on GedMatch and DNAPainter and will be offering it again on 30 June. Attend live or pre-order a copy of the presentation on our announcement page.
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