To celebrate the 4th of July as the 241st year of American independence, we are running a special discount. Through 11:59 PM Central Time on 4 July, we’re offering a 24.1% discount on any of our recorded webinars. Obviously a 241% discount wasn’t an option. The coupon code is: JULY42017 The code is not on the webinar page–don’t lose it. Enjoy! And have a happy 4th!
Your ancestor had relationships that did not generate records. It’s obvious when one thinks about it, but often something that we forget. A relative of mine had a short-term boyfriend in the state of Iowa in the late 1870s that resulted in a pregnancy. She never married the father of the child. I only know his name because her subsequent marriage to Civil War veteran resulted in her applying for a widow’s pension where she mentioned the previous relationship. Another relative was “married” in the 1850s for less than a few months to a man who was temporarily guardian for her minor children. I suspect she was married to him (or acted like she was) because she signs his last name to some documents involving her first husband’s estate. […]
I am having to re-record the following presentations, so we are offering new live sessions of these presentations: Using Local Land Records Citation Basics Details are on our website.
Local indexes to property, court, and other records can be set up differently from one location to another. Take some time to study any index when working in a new area. The index may be just by first initial of last name–with first names not sorted. The index may be by first initial and last initial. it may be by first two letters of last name. Or something slightly different. Failing to learn how the index is created may cause you to fail to locate the desired entry in the records. Genealogy Tip of the Day is proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. Try their “GenealogyBank Search” and see what discoveries you make.
Many researchers make alterations and modifications to digital images. If you do make such modifications, consider including a comment about the modification on the image. That way someone seeing it later will know. There’s nothing to stop someone from removing your note if they copy and paste the image, but at least your image included the information. Genealogy Tip of the Day is proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. Try their “GenealogyBank Search” and see what discoveries you make.
For those who find the daily updates too much, a weekly blog update is available. An electronic copy is available here–along with subscription instructions.
You might not be aware of all the places where a relative’s obituary could be published–be careful restricting your searches too closely. Also consider searching for names of survivors in obituaries. After all, obituaries do not just mention the dead. Genealogy Tip of the Day is proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. Try their “GenealogyBank Search” and see what discoveries you make.
I know genealogists who swear by Google. They seemingly use it to tell them when to breathe. It’s important to remember that Google (just like any website, library, courthouse, etc.) does not have everything. The successful researcher will utilize a variety of sites and sources for information and will carefully evaluate those sites and sources. Google Maps gets close to the house where I grew up, but apparently once the road turns to gravel the Google car turns around. It did the exact same thing when approaching the house from the north. Genealogy Tip of the Day is proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. Try their “GenealogyBank Search” and see what discoveries you make.
I made something of a last minute trip to a courthouse about 100 miles from where I live so that I could obtain a copy of a marriage record. The website for the office indicated they had the records for the time I needed and what the fees were. When I arrived, they told me that all requests for genealogical records were handled by volunteers who answered them by mail. I could not get the record that day. I filled out the form. I paid the fee and I left. Always call and find out research policies before you make a trip. That’s true whether the trip if 10 miles, 100 miles, or 1,000. It’s especially true if it is 1,000. Genealogy Tip of the Day is proudly sponsored […]
When viewing your DNA “matches” take some care before you assume what the connection is or that there is only one connection. It is possible that: one person has a “error” in their tree; there was an adoption early in the lineage that was completely undocumented; the father (or mother) shown in an online tree really is not the father (or mother); one of the “parents” was married more than once and the “parent” is actually the step-parent; you may be related to the person in more than one distant way. Don’t jump to a conclusion about “where in the tree” the match has to be. A recent match for me indicated a distant relationship to an individual. It turned out that we were distantly related on two families–one […]
An immigrant foreigner who is given certain rights of citizenship. In former British colonies, these rights were usually centered on property ownership. Inheriting property would require special permission of the Crown and denizens usually could not hold office or be in the military.
There are many reasons to organize your genealogical data, including: noticing clues you did not notice before; finding gaps in your research; making it easier for you to share your research; reducing the number of times you locate something you already have; making it easier for you to publish your information (if that’s your goal); making it easier for someone to preserve your information after your death; making it easier for someone looking at your information to help you; and saving money if you hire a professional–they will have to organize it for you before they can help.
When one encounters the phrase “late of Tuckertown” in a legal document, it typically means that the person used to live in Tuckertown. The same thing is true of “formerly of Tuckertown.” Sometimes the phrase “late widow of John Jones” may be used to refer to a woman. Usually in those cases it means that the female to whom it is referring has married again after the death of John Jones. Deceased—that usually means dead.
I finally found a used copy of Fields, Fens and Felonies: Crime and Justice in Eighteenth-Century East Anglia at a lower than usual price at and decided to purchase it. My own ancestor was a convict from East Anglia who was transported to Maryland in 1764. Learning some history is never a bad thing. I discovered this book when doing a Google search for an ancestor. When did you last read some history related to your ancestor? Michael’s genealogy bookshelf can be viewed on my Rootdig website.
Putting a clause in your will that “my genealogical papers are to go to the BlahBlah Library” without some advance planning could have unintended consequences. Some thoughts on preserving your “files” and papers by donating to a library or archives: libraries may not want or be able to maintain random copies of public records that are available elsewhere libraries may not want or be able to maintain random copies made from published books unorganized materials are difficult for libraries to inventory and manage and they are difficult for patrons to use photographs, personal certificates, and other “unique” items are more likely to be preserved and collected, but it can be difficult for some facilities to afford to maintain these collections–consider leaving some financial legacy (if possible) to assist […]
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