My blog update is sent every week and summarizes content posted to all my blogs since the last update was sent. This includes article links from the following blogs: Rootdig Genealogy Search Tip Genealogy Tip of the Day Genealogy Transcriber Additional content: citation of the week tombstone of the week letter of the week photograph of the week Some use the weekly update in place of the daily updates that go out. There’s a nominal $5 fee per year to pay for the email service that is used to send the update out. Email addresses are not sold or shared. You can view the most recent issue where there is also a subscription link at the bottom of the page.  
If a marriage record indicates that your relatives were married by a minister, it means they were married by that minister. They may or may not have been married in the church. While it may seem like a minor detail, unless the marriage record specifically states the location, the researcher can be certain of the precise place where the marriage took place. The license or record may only explicitly state the county or town. Don’t assume more than it says. And that is true for any record. —————————- Check out the books on Michael’s genealogy shelf–only listing books I have actually purchased myself and actually use.
The date that a couple obtained a marriage license is not necessarily the date of the marriage. Getting a license does not mean the couple was actually married. Things can happen after the license and before the ceremony. If the license was returned with the name of officiant and date of the ceremony, then the couple got married. If you only have the marriage license date, record it as the marriage license date.
  Old Webinar Prices back through 21 February Old prices back (an average of $8–lower than the competition!) between 18 February and 21 February Regular prices are between $15 and $20. Visit our webinar page ————– Brick Walls from A to Z Blow-out From now through 21 February, we’re also offering all four of my “Brick Walls from A to Z” webinars for a total of $15.. Visit our order page.
The name of the officiant at your ancestor’s wedding could be a clue to further records. The minister on this 1882 marriage from Ft. Madison, Iowa, should be researched so that the congregational records from his church can be locate for potential information. Googling him would be a good start. —————————- Genealogy Tip of the Day is  proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. In February, they are offering an annual subscription for a monthly rate equivalent to less than $5 a month!
It never hurts to look at every official copy of a record. This doesn’t mean every photocopy or digital image ever made of the document.  One should look at official copies that may have been made of the record for other levels of government–particularly if the copy you’ve located is incomplete. The state copy of a marriage record from 1882 in Iowa provided the name of the father of this bride when, at the age of 47, she married for the third time. It’s the only record for her in the United States that gives her parents’ names. There’s a discussion of the discovery on my blog. —————————- Genealogy Tip of the Day is  proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. In February, they are offering an annual subscription for a monthly rate equivalent to […]
Before I put an estimated date in my genealogical database, I ask myself: how sure am I of this estimate? Am I using the birth of the first child to estimate the year of birth of the parents? If so, then: How do I know which child was their first child Did they have children with other people before this relationship? Is is possible that there is a significant difference in the age of father and mother? I always ask myself a second time: how sure am I of this approximate date? Estimating dates should be done with care and with a solid reason (it “feels” right applies to clothes, not to genealogical conclusions). That reason should be in your notes for the event, clearly stated along with […]
To reduce confusion, here is a summary of my blogs/newsletters:—Michael’s thoughts, research problems, suggestions, and whatever else crosses his desk. You can get a daily update in your email by subscribing using the link on the blog page. Genealogy Tip of the Day—one genealogy research tip every day–short and to the point. You can also join our Facebook group or follow us on our fan page. You can get the tip daily in your email by subscribing on using the link on any Genealogy Tip of the Day page. Genealogy Search Tip—websites I’ve discovered and the occasional online research tip–short and to the point. You can get these tips daily in your email by subscribing using the link on the blog page. Genealogy Transcriber—one piece of handwriting every day–with the […]
In current genealogy terminology, “proof” is when we take the information we have on a certain problem, organize it, and write it up so that others can see our conclusion.  Information that we use to make our point is usually referred to as “evidence.” Is it the end of the world if you use the terms “incorrectly?” No. The bigger problem is simply relying on compiled sources and not thinking about using original material at all. If you are looking in original materials, tracking where things are obtained, thinking about what the documents say, and summarizing what you find, you are on the right path. Readers interested in more about genealogy terminology, citation, and proof, can learn more in  Evidence Explained. —————————- Genealogy Tip of the Day is […]
If you are using a word in your research (a person’s name or location name) and have no idea how that word is said, you may be at a hindrance in using certain finding aids and in understanding records completely. Ask someone with that last name how they say it. Ask someone from that location how they say where they are from. You may be surprised at what you hear. —————————- Genealogy Tip of the Day is  proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. In February, they are offering an annual subscription for a monthly rate equivalent to less than $5 a month!
I reviewed this 1850 census enumeration to determine if the children’s names had been interpreted correctly. In reading other family’s entries on the page to get a feel for the enumerator’s handwriting, I discovered a neighbor with the same unusual first name this couple later gave one of their own children. I might never have noticed it if I hadn’t gone back to re-read the name of on of these children. And that was for reasons that had nothing to do with the child who had the unusual name. —————————- Genealogy Tip of the Day is  proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. In February, they are offering an annual subscription for a monthly rate equivalent to less than $5 a month!
Did your relative receive a bounty for enlisting in the Civil War? The promise of a bounty encouraged some men to enlist. Elvy Lake of the 49th Missouri died during the War and “Amt. recd of U. S. for Bounty Services” became part of his estate. —————————- Genealogy Tip of the Day is  proudly sponsored by GenealogyBank. In February, they are offering an annual subscription for a monthly rate equivalent to less than $5 a month!
The United States government does not breathe without a piece of paper and the issuance of the tombstone for a veteran was no exception. If you’ve found a military stone for your ancestor, there may be a record of the issuance of that stone. There are two databases on FamilySearch created from National Archives microfilm that may be helpful: United States Records of Headstones of Deceased Union Veterans, 1879-1903 (not just Civil War veterans as some claim) United States Headstone Applications for U.S. Military Veterans, 1925-1949 The later set is more detailed.
Always consider how a place name may be said and heard. Every document on William Lake, his siblings, and his parents, indicated that they lived in Mercer County, Kentucky. Except this one page from his compiled military service record. It indicated he was born in Marshall County, Kentucky. After saying “Mercer” over and over, I realized that to someone unfamiliar with Kentucky geography it could be interpreted as “Marshall.” Sometimes inconsistencies are not as inconsistent as one thinks.  Before you give too much credence to a “new” location, make certain it is really new.
A big thanks to those who have supported Genealogy Tip of the Day since our inception several years ago. I appreciate those who take the time to comment, either here, our Facebook Fan Page, or our Facebook group. Our intent is always to share research ideas in short, quick, to-the-point posts, saving the longer items for my other blogs. A person learns when doing genealogical research that there is a great deal they do not know even after they’ve researched for some time. A few things I’ve learned include: there are exceptions to just about every rule it’s important to admit our assumptions, deal with them, and get beyond them writing greatly improves your genealogical research you help people more by showing them how instead of telling them “your way […]
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