Vital records are usually recorded where the event took place. A child might not have been born where the couple “lived,” they might have been born somewhere a slight distance away, perhaps while the mother was staying with relatives in a neighboring town. A couple might have traveled fifty miles to elope and marry in a different state. A person may die in a hospital in a neighboring town or while a thousand miles away on a trip. That death will be recorded where the death took place, not the person’s residence. Where were they when it happened? ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
When transcribing handwritten documents, make certain that any comments, interpretations, etc. that you make are clearly indicated in brackets. It is preferable that these comments be placed after the actual transcription itself.  You don’t want to compound any potential errors by creating the chance that someone thinks your comment was a part of the original document.  Words that you cannot read, or are partially readable can be indicated as such by [—] or [Gra—].  And always go back and re-read things you transcribed twenty years ago. Any chance you made a mistake? ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Have you thought about how you will handle those family skeletons that you will eventually uncover? Give some thought to it before simply posting the entire story as a blog post or putting it in a public tree. Of course how you handle something from 1960 is different from something that took place in 1760. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
If you ordered genealogy webinars from me and your download link expired: email me at forward me the receipt for the product you were unable to download in time. Links to download do expire in 24 hours–that’s to balance traffic on the server and to prevent fraudulent downloads. It’s no problem to reactivate your download links–at no charge, you just have to let me know. And if you’d like to purchase webinars, there’s a complete list here: ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
If you locate a record or a relative sends you a copy of a record, do you: know what the record actually is? know why it was created? know whether you have the “whole thing?” have a citation for it? Determining those things may create new opportunities and reduce “brick walls.” ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
I have a relative,  born in Canada in the 1820s who for some reason moved to southern Missouri in the 1850s. It seems a little unusual to me and, at this point, I do not know the reason why he moved. What I do have a reason for is why I know it is the same man (his name, year and place of birth and the names of his children all match). If you don’t have the reason for why your ancestor did something a little unusual, try and make certain you have good reason for believing it is the same person. Maybe the reason it seems like you have the “wrong person” is because you do. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
If you need a list of churches, try a city directory. They often have lists of churches grouped by type of denomination. Addresses and names of ministers may also be listed which may help in determining which church your ancestor attended. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
For years, Ellen Sargent was one of my “brick wall” ancestors. Her 1880 census enumeration indicated she was born in Missouri with parents who were born in Michigan.  After a while, I simply concluded that her 1880 enumeration was wrong and that instead of Michigan the place of birth had to have been somewhere else. I decided to completely ignore her 1880 enumeration and work from scratch. Funny thing is–her 1880 enumeration was just about right. Her parents were probably not born in Michigan, but spent at least ten or fifteen years there, shortly before Ellen was born in Missouri.  Those enumerations may be wrong or they may be closer to correct than you think.  ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Is there a relative who never had any children of their own, had no siblings and died owning enough property to require a probate or an estate settlement? If so, the records of that settlement may be particularly interesting. The deceased person’s heirs-at-law typically would have been their first cousins or their first cousin’s descendants. Even if there was a will, these heirs-at-law typically would have had to have been notified of the probate. Those records could help determine relationships and indicate where people were living at the time the relative died. These estate or probate records would typically be filed at the local court level. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
When a person has never heard a last name said aloud, it can be difficult to get that “first way of saying it” out of your head, even if it is not right. This can be problematic if the way you “hear it” is not really close to how people with the last name actually said it. I’ve been working on the Liddell family lately–which often gets said and written as “Little.” Of course the “L” gets read as an “S” sometimes as well, but that’s a discussion for another tip. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
Are you trying too hard to make things fit when they actually don’t? Are people that you think are the same really two different people? Is one entry in a record a mistake which is the reason why it is inconsistent with other records? Are you insisting that every document you discover be completely accurate agree with everything else? And are you willing to admit when you are incorrect? It may rarely happen, but occasionally…. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
It’s rare for us to offer our 60% sale, but we’re doing it in honor of Labor Day.  There’s never been a better time to order one of our how-to genealogy webinars.  Now is a great time rev up your research skills as we swing into fall.  Our download rates are the best in the business. Our presentations are informal, down-to-earth, and practical. The only agenda we have is helping you with your research. Coupon code “sixty” at check out will reduce your order by 60%. Downloads are immediate. Sale ends at 11:59 PM (Central time) 4 September 2012. Don’t wait–your ancestors are not getting any younger.  Check out our list of over 30 presentations here: Topics include: Females Problem-Solving Brick Walls  Court Records Land Records Search […]
When a document is located on a relative, look at the pages before and after the document for additional references to your relative. Deeds sometimes get recorded in “batches,” when it is realized that they were forgotten. Children sometimes get baptized in groups when a minister finally arrives or someone decides it is time. And occasionally there is a supplemental death certificate when a correction needs to be made. Indexes will take you to a direct, exact page. It’s up to you to turn a few pages before and after that page to see if there’s an additional find. ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
It’s rare for us to offer our 60% sale, but we’re doing it in honor of Labor Day.  There’s never been a better time to order one of our how-to genealogy webinars.  Now is a great time rev up your research skills as we swing into fall.  Our download rates are the best in the business. Our presentations are informal, down-to-earth, and practical. The only agenda we have is helping you with your research. Coupon code “sixty” at check out will reduce your order by 60%. Downloads are immediate. Sale ends at 11:59 PM (Central time) 3 September 2012. Don’t wait–your ancestors are not getting any younger.  Check out our list of over 30 presentations here: Topics include: Females Problem-Solving Brick Walls  Court Records Land Records Search […]
Our genealogy fundamental webinars are ready for download or purchase. These are geared towards the beginners with some research experience or those who are unfamiliar with the topic. Topics include:Land Deed BasicsFederal Cash Land Sale FileTypical Union Civil War Pension file19th Century Will20th Century Death Certificate1850 census1880 census1930 census Short, to the point and they include media file and handout.If you pre-ordered these and did NOT receive your download links, please let me know so that they can be sent to you again.Thanks!Michael—————Michael John NeillGenealogy Tip of the Day ———————————— Check out GenealogyBank’s Offer for Tip of the Day Fans!
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