Those potential ancestral associates that could hold the clue to your research include godparents’ of children born to your ancestral sibling. There is a chance that if the godmother of my aunt’s child was a relative of my aunt and her sister. It’s a name I never would have had to research if I had not located all the christening records of my aunt’s children.
In some cultural traditions, the “first” name on a baptismal record is not necessarily the name that a person actually used or was commonly known by. Several of my German ancestors from the Thuringen area of Germany were named John George, John Michael, John Adam, etc. only to use respectively use George, Michael, and Adam in the United States.  
Some older records kept in ledger type format may have no page numbers that can be used to create a citation or provide a detailed reference. There are probably other guides you can use so that you or someone else can later get to the same page in the work. Is the entry a baptismal entry from 1850? Is it a funeral entry from 1812? Are the entries numbered individually? Is the record organized alphabetically by farm name (as sometimes happens in Sweden)? There’s probably a way you can create a trail to get back to that page–just don’t forget to do it.
Augusta Newman died in White County, Indiana on 4 July 1861. Here’s a few quick tips from things I discovered about his life: Never assume gender based solely on a name–yes, he was named Augusta and not August. Always search for military records–I never knew he was in the War of 1812 and his bounty land application was full of good material. Search for quit claim deeds after death–they gave all his heirs and their counties of residence. Happy 4th of July to Tip fans, followers, and readers in the US!
The job of a good transcriber is to render the document as faithfully as they can. This includes transcribing words as they are spelled, not changing obvious errors, and not adding material that is not there. Notations, if necessary, can be made separately and an analysis of the perceived accuracy can be done separately as well in a way that makes it clear where the document ends and the analysis begins. But a transcriber’s job as a proofreader should only go so far as to make certain she has rendered the original document as accurately as she can, warts and all.
Make certain you’ve read the complete census enumeration. Some census records in the US 1850 and after ask questions that either directly or indirectly suggest real property ownership. Records of that land ownership may provide additional information on your ancestor.
Don’t forget to thank those who help you in your research, either online or onsite. The main reason is that it’s polite and increases the chance that those people are willing to help others later. Who knows? You may even need their help again later and a thank you may make them more willing in the future to provide you with assistance. And…there’s always the chance that your thank you note jogs the recipient’s mind about something else that could help you. Librarians and clerks may be paid to assist people with materials and records. But if your treatment of them was unkind or rude it may be very easy for them to not provide you with that extra suggestion or idea that “dawns on them” after you leave.
There’s one reason I track the source of where I obtained a genealogical record: myself. Today I was looking at a digital image I had of a record. Because I sourced it, I knew that I had made the digital image from a copy of the microfilm at the Family History Library. That’s different from a scan I might make of a photocopy I made at the courthouse years ago, different from a scan I made of a paper copy I made from a microfilm printout, and different also from a picture I may take of the actual record. All of these have differing levels of detail from the document.  If I don’t know where I got it, it makes it difficult for me to assess years later whether it might […]
When transcribing a document or an item from a document, use brackets to indicate when you are “guessing” at a word or phrase or adding a word or phrase of your own. Personally I add words or phrases rarely, preferring to comment later if something warrants it. The word sic (Latin for “as is”) should be bracketed as well when it is used to indicate that you copied something exactly as it was in the document–even though it looked wrong. For example, “…to my son[sic] Elizabeth I leave my farm…”  
There is usually a slight difference between the legal use of the word “heir” and “legatee.” An heir usually is someone who has a biological or legal right to inherit from a deceased person, even if that person leaves no will. A “legatee” is someone mentioned as being given property in a deceased person’s will. A recent posting on Rootdig covered the nuances in a specific example from 1903.
I have a great aunt whose birth name was Adolphena Katherine Trautvetter. Apparently as a child she went by Kate and as an adult she want by Pheenie. Nicknames can change–and not just back to the “original” name.
Your relative’s tombstone may not have been erected immediately after her burial. Consequently, various details may have been given to the stonecutter from a memory which may have not been precisely accurate. Court records indicate one relative who died in 1888 did not have a stone erected on her grave until 1906. Is it possible your ancestor’s stone was erected decades after his death, perhaps with information submitted by someone whose memory was not quite accurate?  
Don’t assume because a couple got married and divorced that they never married again. My ancestor and her second husband divorced in the 1870s only to married again in the early 1880s and divorce again a year later. The second divorce record references the first marriage and divorce. An aunt divorced her first husband in the 1860s and took him again as her fourth husband in the late 1870s. If the remarriage is subsequently later or in a different locality the records may be more detailed than when the couple first married.
Individuals who remember precise dates can easily be a few days (or more) off. It’s been only a few months since my mother passed away, and a few days ago I thought that 24 May (the day this post originally appeared) was the two-month anniversary of her death. It wasn’t. I was three days off. If, after two months my memory of the date is a little fuzzy, imagine how off it could be if it were years later. Don’t be surprised if dates of events given well after the fact are a little inconsistent. It’s normal.
FindAGrave is a great site and can be helpful in finding burial locations and tombstone images. Just remember that what’s on the memorial page may be more than what is actually on the stone. When adding information from FindAGrave to your genealogical database don’t include as a stone “transcription” what you are not certain is on the stone. You can indicate you found it on the Memorial Page on FindAGrave, but don’t indicate the stone says things that it does not. The Memorial Pages for two of my great-grandmothers includes birth information that is not on the stone. That’s fine, but  I should use the image of the stone for my transcription so that I don’t indicate in my records that stone says something it does not.  
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