Building your genealogical research skills is more than learning about records and indexes. Expanding your knowledge of history is importan, especially as it relates to your own family. Over half of my ancestors immigrated to the United States in the 19th century, knowing something about the naturalization process is important. But….it’s not just about the men, so I’m reading A Nationality of Her Own: Women, Marriage, and the Law of Citizenship by Candice Lewis Bredbenner.

Lots of food for thought.

What was the last book you read to increase your historical knowledge?



5 Responses

  1. Daily Life in Immigrant America 1820-1870 (James Bergquist, ISBN: 978-1566638296).

    This book provides excellent information about the immigration experience, including their journey to America. I am researching my husband’s family experience leaving England for America in 1823.

  2. “Gettysburg, the Last Invasion” by Allen C. Guelzo. Not only is it the best book on the battle of Gettysburg that I’ve read, but I found some wonderful clues about three of my ancestors.

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