Many veterans of the War of 1812 received federal land as a benefit of their service. The patents (first deeds) that were issued based on their military service are online and indexed at the Bureau of Land Management website. We’ll have more details in a future tip post.





5 Responses

  1. Does this apply to veterans who received land through the Georgia land lottery system? If not, where can those land patents be found?
    Thank you,

  2. My German immigrant ancestor received land in Louisiana from service in the Mexican War. I found in the parish records when he sold this land, but could not find when he purchased it. Years later, while doing a search by LAND DESCRIPTION in the BLM-GLO records his name came up. I have not found documentation of his service from military records yet.

  3. He could check entries of the Louisiana Purchase. I think they would be listed
    under National records until states were formed. The timeline is important.
    I believe that Germans started arriving in The 1820’s.

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