There’s still time to join me in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, at the genealogically renowned Allen County Public Library. In addition to the vast collection of books the Allen County Public Library (ACPL) has, the library is a FamilySearch affiliate. That means that some of the digital images on FamilySearch I cannot access at home I will be able to access while at the library in Ft. Wayne.
One advantage of going to a library a distance from home is that it makes it easier to immerse oneself in research, concentrate a little better, interact with other genealogists face-to-face, and access materials that are not in digital format.
Fortunately there’s a time to organize the material I brought home from the Family History Library in Salt Lake before I head to Ft. Wayne–especially the information on a Bedford County, Virginia, woman who had four children with a Revolutionary War veteran she never married, had two children with another veteran after the first one died, and bought a hundred acre farm in the 1820s in her own name.
Learn more and consider joining me in Ft. Wayne this August.

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