Preserving the history of your family heirlooms, particularly those things in addition to pictures and paper items, is important. One way to start this task is to photograph those items individually. You may wish to use a basic graphics program to crop and slightly rotate the image if necessary. Information about the item could be added to the image as well.

Then import those pictures into a word processor and include textual information about the item. Using a word processor gives you flexibility in terms of what text is added and how much text is included. That file can be printed, saved in a variety of formats, etc.



2 Responses

  1. I have been photographing and documenting our family heirlooms. I plan to create a Shutterfly book, so my children will know which of our items are heirlooms in our home. We have also over the years purchase other antique items. If they know the story behind the items, they might think to keep them. If they decide not to keep them, at least the book keeps the memory alive.

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