From a while back…

People move–sometimes further than one really expects. Emma Cawiezell was a native of Davenport, Iowa, who went to New York City to become an actress around 1892.

She died there a year later. There were no family stories about her travelling to New York City and it took me a while to find her.

People sometimes leave their comfort zone searching a new career, a new life, or greener pastures?

Is it possible that your relative “up and moved” in some atypical fashion? Most of the Cawiezells were farmers in rural Scott County, Iowa.

I never dreamed one of them ended up in New York.

I still have room in both of my group research trips this summer. Our trip does not include a bunch of non-genealogy activities and our registration fees are low. Time away devoted just to research can be a great way to get your genealogy research started. Additional details are on our announcement pages:



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