We are not talking about every book at the courthouse–although it is a good idea to look through as many books as you can.

In this tip “going through every book” means taking a look through every book you have before you decide to sell, donate, recycle, or other wise dispose of it. This applies to even the non-genealogy books–particularly works of no-longer-popular fiction and the like. Tucked in one such novel was a birthday card my daughter made for me when she was eleven years old. You can easily find other items that, for one reason or another, have been tucked into a book where you would least expect it.

Check out Genealogy Tip of the Day--the book–on our website.



2 Responses

  1. This is so true. I have found post cards in second hand books and our local second hand book shop has a display of things found in books, mostly book marks. They don’t keep the letters found.

  2. So true. One of my precious little slips of paper that I found was a hand-written recipe for the doughnuts my grandmother was “famous” for among family and community. She died in 1969 and when that drifted out of an older cookbook of my mother’s I was elated.

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