Do you have pictures or other ephemera that you’ve not tried to save in some way? Don’t wait until it is too late. For pictures, make certain to include identification if you have it, who made the digital image, where they got it, and who made identification. Those pieces of information are good ones to have for someone who may come across your image years later. Note: Christena Ufkes Habben is a sister to my great-great-grandfather, Johann Ufkes (1838-1924).
A pension application contained an actual copy of a baptismal certificate with a church name that was difficult to read. A Google search for the few words I could read and the name of the probable town located the likely church. The partially legible name of the pastor was discerned by looking at a list of former pastors the church had posted to their website.
When I was a kid, my dad and I would count the cattle as they crossed the road from one pasture to another. It was important to arrive at the same number and to get it correct. The only problem was that my father tended to count out loud and his counting always got me off no matter how much I tried to concentrate Is part of the reason for your research difficulty that you are listening to what someone else has already concluded? Are you letting their interpretations influence yours–perhaps a little too much? Sometimes it’s helpful to put away the conclusions of others and start your analysis from scratch. Then, when you’re done counting your cows separately, you can compare your conclusions with others.
This session will focuses on the free aspects of DNA Painter at We will discuss downloading matching data from DNA sites, painting your DNA matches, finding match data, labeling, grouping, overlapping segments, and more as time allows. Our concentration is on getting you started with DNAPainter in a way that will help you make effective use of it as your research progresses. If you’ve wondered what DNAPainter is, how to use, and what it can do for you, this presentation will help you to do that. Ordering the presentation includes the recorded presentation (that can be viewed more than once) and a detailed handout as a PDF file. You cannot upload your raw data to DNA Painter. You need the segment data that you can get from […]
When thinking about who might have pictures of family members, think about the various pictures in which that person may have appeared. Is it possible that your grandmother attended reunions of her husband’s family? Does she appear in any pictures taken at those reunions?
When abstracting information from a record, include sufficient detail so that the wrong impression is not made. This example in this Rootdig post from an estate record may be a little extreme, but it makes the point. Your abstract should not confuse the dead and the living.
For twenty years, it seemed as if my ancestor Ira Sargent was dropped off by a UFO in Hancock County, Illinois, in 1880. Turns out he wasn’t. He was in the 1850 and 1860 United States Census listed under the last name of his step-father–whom his mother had married in 1849. Until I discovered the last name of the step-father, I was unable to find Ira. Is it possible that your UFO ancestor wasn’t dropped off by aliens but was instead listed in records as a child under his (or her) stepfather’s last name? And that the first time they used their “birth name” in a record was when they married?
Are you spending too much time looking for a specific record that might not really even help your research all that much? There’s a couple for whom I cannot find their mid-1800 passenger list entry. After some thought, I’m not really certain I need it. I have a good idea of where the family is from in Europe as I know where the husband’s brother was born. I know what children the couple had and where they settled. The mid-1800 passenger list probably isn’t going to tell me where they were from. And after having spent several hours trying to find them, it may be best to work on locating other records. Sometimes it is necessary to realize that it may be time to work on other things. […]
Only children with no descendants can leave interesting estate settlements, especially if they die with enough property to require probate and neglect to leave a valid will. Their property typically will be distributed to their first cousins, or depending upon the family structure, even more distant relatives. The records of that estate settlement could be a gold mine. Do you have a cousin who died in this situation? It may be worth your time to search for their estate records
This newspaper clipping, from the Mendon [Illinois] Dispatch of December 1935, reminded me of some issues when searching newspapers–especially when they are in digital format. In this case, it was the typos and errors that made several key points. This clipping was located the old fashioned way though–a manual search based upon my grandparents date of marriage and where they were living at the time of their marriage. Trautretter Grandma’s maiden name was actually Trautvetter. For some reason it is spelled “Trautretter” throughout the announcement. Soundex searches will not catch the reference and other search formulations might not either, depending upon how they are constructed. The Headline The last name of the groom, Neill, is spelled correctly throughout the announcement. However, there is a blob over part of the name […]
Generally speaking… “Dower” is the interest a wife has in her husband’s real or personal property. Depending upon the time period and location, it may be a 1/3 interest, a life estate, etc. A “dowry” is the money/goods, etc. that a woman brings into a marriage.
The widow of a deceased man might not be the mother of his children. She could be the mother of all of them, some of them, or none of them. Use other records to see if you can draw conclusions. Use the information as clues, but don’t assume that the widow was the mother of all the children just based upon that one document if the relationship is not clearly stated.
For those who missed the Daily Genealogy Transcriber, it has returned! You can find out more about this little daily challenge on our new page.
For reasons that are not clear, the will of Mimken Habben failed to nominate an executor in 1876. After his death a year later, the will was approved and his widow was appointed administrator with the will annexed. The difference usually is in title only–the job’s pretty much the same as an executor. In other cases an executor named in a will refuses to act or is unable to act. In those situations an administrator with the will annexed is named as well.
Don’t assume that just because the names are “close” that they have to be a match. I was looking for information on a William Bell who married a Martha Sargent in Iowa. Turns out there was another William Bell in the same part of Iowa who married a Lorinda Sargent. Totally two separate couples from two separate families. How many William Bells can marry a Sargent and live a few counties away from each other? Apparently two. Two distinct ones.Remember that sometimes there is a relationship and sometimes there is not.
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