They were always members of the same denomination. But were they? And if they were, were they members of the same congregation? A church attendance chronology for your ancestor may get you thinking in a different way about some details of your ancestor’s life. My great-grandmother was always a member of a Lutheran Church, but attended four throughout her life. 1881 (birth) -1888: Christ Lutheran Church, Gothenburg, Nebraska 1888-1907: probably Immanuel Lutheran Church (Basco, Hancock County, Illinois) or Zion Lutheran Church (Carthage, Hancock County, Illinois). Likely attended Immanuel in the earlier part of this time frame and may have attended Zion once she started working as a hired girl in Carthage. 1907 (marriage)-1922: Zion Lutheran Church (German Lutheran Church), Carthage (her in-laws church)–disbanded at merged with Trinity. 1922-1954 […]
The search conducted was for references to “Neill” that were close to “Rampley.” The results page highlighted the references to the names where two words appeared between them. There’s actually another reference where the names are separated by one word. The reason for the highlighting is buried in the search code used to locate items and pull up the references. The key in this case, as in all newspaper searches where computerized “reading” and “searching” is conducted, is to read the entire page for additional references that may have been overlooked. Figuring out precisely why the specific item was highlighted is left to those with knowledge of the algorithms used to return the search results. This serves as a reminder that things may (or may not) work exactly […]
This record of marriages from Bedford County, Virginia, is apparently a transcription to the actual records. That fact is suggested by the use of the phrase “General Index to Marriage…” at the top of the page. An even stronger bit of evidence indicating that this record was not created contemporary to the events that were taking place is the fact that marriages from the late 18th century are typed into the book. Just because this record is an extraction from the actual record does not mean that it is incorrect or wrong. However, there is always the potential that a name or date has been transcribed incorrectly. When citing this record, I need to indicate that it was not the original record. This record is not a transcription […]
I looked at a postcard that had a postmark from one of the small towns in the county where I grew up. The picture on the card was of a church with a red brick exterior. The seller of the item had assumed that the church was located in the town where the postcard was postmarked It wasn’t. That town had no churches on that street. The red brick exterior was one I thought I recognized as the church I attended as a child. Other features in the photograph were consistent with that identification as well. Don’t jump to immediate conclusions based upon one clue. Look at every clue in a record or document. Think about what those clues tell you and what they do not. The clue […]
Avoid jumping to conclusions based only on one document or record no matter how tempting. Ask yourself: What other “reality” could explain the information I have found in the record? What other records may help provide more information? Is there a simpler explanation? Is there someone else I could ask for their opinion of what I have found? Do I need an answer to the problem “right now” or can it wait? Have I transcribed the records, summarized the information they contained, and written out my conclusions? I used to tell my students “SPR” when they would shout out answers. It stood for “Stop. Pause. Reflect.” That’s good advice for genealogists as well.
Ebay can be a great place to make genealogy purchases or even just to find images of items and materials if the prices are beyond your budget or your genealogy space at home is already limited. I located a picture of an uncle, a fan from a funeral home owned by a cousin, and a postcard containing a picture of the church my 3rd great-grandmother attended in Warsaw, Illinois. It does take some trial and error to get your searches right and sufficiently narrowed. I have better luck searching for locations, last names, historical features, and similar items. Narrowing your searches may be necessary if the locations are heavily populated or the last names are common. Instead of searching for full names, try a last name and a […]
Genealogists rely on obituaries, but remember that they can be incomplete or unclear, especially when the deceased (or their parents or children) have been married more than once. We’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating as many of us utilize obituaries in an attempt to get the “tree” down to as recent a time as possible and to analyze our DNA matches. The obituary for a recently deceased relative indicated they had four siblings. They actually had ten. The only ones listed in the obituary were three full siblings of the deceased and a half-sibling from their mother’s second marriage. That distinction wasn’t made (as it is often not in obituaries). The deceased had six other half siblings through their father. When the obituary is for someone […]
Those large genealogy projects tend to never get done. Instead of thinking about all the family members you want to document or all the family items you have to preserve, start small. I’ve decided to work on documenting the descendants of one set of 4th great-grandparents through their great-grandchildren. It’s a small enough task that it will be easier to manage that tracing down all the descendants through the current time. And it is better than doing nothing. Instead of thinking about all those pictures and other items I have to digitize and organize, I am working on one box and will go from there. One is better than nothing. Getting something done can also be motivation to continue on with other projects. What large tasks on your […]
I’m looking for a man named Johann Michael Senf who was born in Wohlmuthausen, Germany in 1835. He probably immigrated to the United States as his mother and some of his siblings are known to have immigrated after his father’s death. His “call name” (the name he was known by) was likely Michael Senf based on the practice of others from the area where he was from. It is possible though that he used the first name Johann or John upon immigration to the United States. The last name of Senf occasionally gets spelled Zenf and gets read as Serf. I need to conduct searches so that I search for those variants (in addition to other ones): Michael Senf Michael Serf Michael Zenf Johann/John Senf Johann/John Serf Johann/John […]
Many record offices created indexes to their records as those items were recorded. These indexes are not perfect. They are not every name indexes. And just like with every index, names can get left out. But they do have some occasional advantages over new indexes created decades or centuries later to digital images of those records. The “original indexes” created by the clerk or office that recorded the record originally were often created by the person recording the item at the time it was recorded. The handwriting was not faded. They may have actually known the individuals involved and were better able to render the name in the index even if it was difficult to read on the original–particularly if the original was a birth certificate written by […]
We’ve released the recording and handout for my “Images on FamilySearch” webinar. More details have been posted on our announcement page. If you pre-ordered and have not received your materials, contact me at the email address on your receipt.
My aunt Wilhelmina (Trautvetter) Kraft died in Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, in the latter part of the 19th century. She was born in 1808 in Dorf Allendorf, Germany. She died without enough of an estate to warrant a probate, had no obituary, or other record in the area where she died suggesting that she had children. The name of her Kraft husband was known and it was assumed that they had been married at least twenty years when she died. Turned out she had a husband before she emigrated from Germany to the United States. They were married at least twelve years and had five children who survived to adulthood. She and Mr. Kraft were married for twenty years, but all her children were with her first husband […]
Indexes and other finding aids that are created to assist the researcher in locating someone are imperfect. Names are spelled wrong, transcribed incorrectly, accidentally omitted, etc. In most cases, it is possible to search the records manually to make certain the person is really not in the record. Do not rely on an index to contain every person actually named in a record series with every name spelled correctly. Original records may have been partially indexed by the body who originally held the records or organized in such a way that may partially reduce the number of pages that have to be manually waded through. I plan on researching the 1950 census manually when it goes online in April 2022. I’ll start with my rural people and then […]
Some records were created before an event took place, usually in preparation for the event itself. The issuance of a marriage license does not guarantee that the marriage ever took place. The announcement of marriage banns also is not evidence of the actual marriage. Even a church bulletin announcing my baptism that day in church does not guarantee it took place. It does indicate the event was planned and scheduled for that day. And, in all likelihood, it did take place. But if one document said something was going to happen and other reliable information indicated that event did not happen, remind yourself that not every event intended to be actually comes to pass.
A man and woman had four children “without benefit of marriage” in the 1790s in Virginia. This relationship necessitated documentation of the relationship in order for the children to inherit from the father. That’s not the tip. The mother of the four children testified in the 1820s to their relationship to their father–that’s not expected. To strengthen their case another woman testified to the parentage at the same time. If there was a relationship of this woman to the family it is not stated. But she had at the very least known of the relationship between the man and woman during the time the children were born–she testifies to that. This woman is one who warrants further research. While she may not have had any biological relationship to […]
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