“Late in life” marriages can be a good source of additional information on a relative, particularly during a time period when marriage records provide more information that just a name. However, in cultures where women take the last name of their husband, these marriages can cause a woman to disappear. Always consider that the reason a female cannot be found is that she might have married again and changed her last name. Or she may have moved a distance to live with a child. Or both.
A Civil War pension indicated the soldier was born in Duncansville, Kentucky.  As I suspected it was not on a modern map. There are several ways to locate a place name that no longer exists–one way is to search for it on GoogleBooks where old books have been digitized are full-text searchable. An 1889 reference to the change in the Mercer-Washington County Kentucky line mentioned Duncansville. That gave me a clue as to it’s location.
When using the Bureau of Land Management’s website to search for and locate land patents, always look at the actual patent. Depending upon the situation, it may tell you: the unit the veteran served in if the patent (first deed) was issued based upon a military warrant if the land claim was actually a pre-emption claim instead of a cash sale–pre-emption claims are better records if the heirs were involved–those are generally more detailed files as well where the patentee was living at the time–that can help in distinguishing between individuals of the same name  
Some general things to remember about naturalizations in the United States: Before 1906 reform, any US court of record could naturalize. Declarations of Intention may give more personal detail. Minor naturalizations may be filed separately. Homesteaders had to document their naturalization. People give incorrect dates of naturalization in census records. These are generalizations and broad reminders. The naturalization process changed over time, but should be relatively consistent from state to state as it stems from federal law. The amount of detail can vary from one location to another and over time. This short tip is not meant to replace learning more detailed information about naturalizations and the naturalization process.
When I was a small and fell and got hurt or there was something that I needed to tell my mother, she would often ask me “what hamp?” That’s a good question to ask about our ancestors as well–although we may end up knowing less about the situation than my mother did after she heard my explanation. My great-grandfather lost two farms to foreclosures between 1898 and 1910. For the next fifteen or so years he and the family moved from one rental farm to another. Then in the mid-1920s he “settled” and purchased a farm that remains in the family until this day. I did not give it much thought until I looked through the estate settlement for his father who died in 1916. It took over […]
I was writing a blog post about a relative and was certain he was never listed with his actual given name of James in any record. I was wrong. He was listed as James in a handful of early records–just not ones after he became an adult. It’s not just memory that can be wrong. Double check those assumptions you have about history before you post or share them as well–ask yourself “how do I know that? “Do some research and find out. Sometimes when I do that I realize that I am right. Sometimes I realize I am wrong. But I usually learn something and my research is better for it.
Depending upon which genealogist you ask there are either brick walls or there are not. Sometimes you get to a “stuck place” in your research and what it’s called doesn’t really matter. There are several ways to try and get around those places, including: making certain you have looked at all records making certain you are aware of all records created in the location of interest looking at how someone solved a similar problem thinking about whether your assumptions are valid writing up your problem for someone else to read making certain you are not relying on someone else’s conclusions making certain that what you think you know is actually correct. etc. There are other approaches, but starting with this list is a good place to begin. And…it […]
Bondsmen (sometimes called securities) on an administrator’s bond are not saying they are paying the bills of the estate. They are saying that they are vouching for the administrator and that if the administrator runs off, doesn’t pay the bills, etc. that they are “good for it” and have the funds to pay the bills–and the court will enforce the bond if necessary. If the administrator does his job, the bondsmen have no need to worry. Consequently the bondsmen are people who knew the administrator and trusted him to “do right” by the estate. 
There’s still time to join us for a week of research at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, this upcoming May/June. Our registration rate is one of the lowest around, our trip is informal and focused on research (not on social or “group” activities), and you can stay next door at the Plaza for $91 a night plus tax. More details are on our site. Registration deadline is approaching.
Names of sponsors can tell you more than just who might have been related to the baby. This 1874 sponsorship provided evidence of Wilhelmina Kraft’s immigration to the United States and that she was still alive in 1874.   Our sponsor, GenealogyBank, has a special offer for tip readers, fans, and followers for February–an annual subscription at less than $5 a month (billed annually).
Our sponsor, GenealogyBank, has a special offer for tip readers, fans, and followers for February–an annual subscription at less than $5 a month (billed annually). 
The 1894 deed is phrased “Elizabeth Stiefel and husband to Ferdinand Stiefel.” The phrasing for the time period is slightly unusual–typically the husband is listed first and the wife is second (and may not even be named in a reference such as this). This transfer suggests some additional research. The two most likely scenarios are that the husband was having some financial difficulties or the property was under the control of the wife (perhaps through acquisition before marriage or through an inheritance).
Estate settlements of relatives who died without children often provide the names of their heirs and can be used to confirm family relationships that may not be evidenced in other records. Pay close attention to the individual appointed to administrate the estate–if there is no will. That individual may also be a relative. Sometimes the last name is a dead give away that there is a connection, but that’s not always the case. Michael Trautvetter died in Illinois in 1869 with no children and no spouse. His siblings and some nephews and nieces were his heirs. The name of the administrator meant nothing to me, but it turned out that the administrator’s wife was a niece of Michael. The maiden name of the administrator’s wife was not an […]
Genealogists are usually good about knowing that they should figure out the meanings of words they don’t know. That same thing applies to words that they think they know–in fact, that’s when knowing the meaning is even more important so that meanings are not misunderstood. There are two main situations where this can be a problem: legal references. Certain words when used in a legal document have a specific meaning and that meaning can be different from what is meant when a layman uses that same word. cultural, pop, political and historical references. The meanings of words have changed over time. A newspaper may use a slang term to refer to your ancestor that may tell you something about the ancestor (and perhaps the newspaper as well). Depending upon […]
When saving images from Facebook (or any other site), give the images names that make sense. Some sites autogenerate file names or change them as they are uploaded to the site by users. Random names of random characters are difficult to understand. 
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