Remember when analyzing sources and the information they contain that just because a majority of sources are consistent does not mean they are correct. They may have had the same “original source” that was simply copied over and over and that “original source” may not have been right. The majority of documents on my grandmother give one place of birth. Two documents give a different place. However, those two are contemporary to her birth and with probable informants who had first hand knowledge. The other documents (significantly more than two) contain information given later by informants who did not have first hand knowledge and only knew what they were told. Just because the majority of sources agree does not mean that they are correct. Analysis isn’t always that […]
Don’t forget to look for the entire family in a city directory. In this small town the others were easy to see, but in an urban area it wouldn’t have been so obvious that the wife and children were living in a separate location.
Using Online City and Regional Directories 23 June 2015–7:00 pm Central Standard Time   This session will provide an overview of city and regional directories that are online, discussing fee-based sites, free sites, search strategies to find online directories, and search strategies for using online copies of city directories. Several case studies involving specific directories and specific individuals will be discussed as well–with cases be representative of a variety of locations and individuals Register for Using Online Directories for $7. Bounty Land, Preemptions, Cash Sales and Homesteads: Federal Land Records 25 June 2015–7:00 pm Central Standard Time Ever wondered about federal land records–what they are, how they are searched, and what they can tell you about your ancestor? We will look at Bounty Land  applications, preemption claims, cash sales, […]
Whenever I have a difficult time finding something, I try and ask myself “why was this hard to find? ” Sometimes the “trick” was something I overlooked. Other times it wasn’t. But reminding myself of what the problem was sometimes gives me insight into other people I can’t find. One issue a recent search for an 1851 marriage from St. Louis was that I didn’t have right maiden name for the wife.
When reading through estate records and inventories, pay close attention to those individuals who are buying property from the estate. There is a good chance that they are relatives and neighbors. In more recent times  the names may not be a dramatic revelation, but in an earlier era it may help you to establish geographic proximity of two individuals.
I send out a weekly update with summary content from my genealogy blogs, along with a few extras. The latest copy can be viewed here.
When obtaining a copy of a deed record from a courthouse, don’t forget that the deed in the courthouse is a record copy. In the early days of record keeping, those deed copies were handwritten or typed transcriptions. Later courthouse copies of deeds were made by some sort of photographic process. It’s not the original deed in the courthouse–it’s a transcription or a reproduction. The original was retained by the person obtaining the property, just like today.
We’ve released the recordings of my new webinars: Tightwad Genealogy Where Do I Go From Here? Generating Genealogy Blog Content More details are on our webpage. If you registered and did not receive your complimentary download, please let me know. Thanks!
Some researchers can access fee-based genealogical databases through their local library (either onsite or remotely using their library card). Others can access certain databases at their local Family History Library. Some can also access certain databases through a membership in a genealogical or historical society. Then there are the rest of us . If the options in the first paragraph aren’t realistic, consider purchasing a temporary membership to one of the fee-based sites, especially if that site has a database not available elsewhere that could help your research. Keep in mind that records are available elsewhere–it’s just that online access is physically easier and faster. You are paying for convenience. We’ve posted longer posts on Rootdig about some sites that have materials that could be helpful because they aren’t […]
While searching for a marriage entry for William Rhodus, I got so “hung up” on variations for Rhodus that I didn’t consider that he could have been listed by his initials or an abbreviated name. Even the minister only was named with his initials.
Keeping up with sites that regularly update or add more information can be time-consuming. Some sites send out press releases about new databases and improvements. Others do not. Personally I’m waiting for a few counties to be added to the online chancery records at the Library of Virginia, some records to be added to the free War of 1812 pension file here at, and newspapers to the Library of Congress “Chronicling America” collection. I may be waiting a while. I’ve have a list of things I’m waiting for on various sites that are “in progress” and I’ve decided to check monthly (or even less often) to see if new to me items are there. There’s no need to check daily or weekly and a list keeps me more organized and […]
There was a time when many American newspapers published summaries of what happened at the local term of the probate court. Details of your ancestor’s will, property owned at death, final bills, and more may have been published in the local newspaper. If probate records at the local courthouse are not extant or the case you want cannot be found, local newspapers may be able to provide some clues. Generally speaking these notices became less frequent in the early 20th century. Newspapers can also be a good source in burned counties. The courthouse may have burned, the some newspapers may have survived.
16 June is my birthday and now until 8 am Central Time 17 June, we’re offering 47% off any webinar purchase. The code is “47” and the webpage is
When your research moves into a new location, do you stop and learn about that area and the resources it has? Different states have different laws and sometimes different records or procedures. Urban research has challenges and opportunities that do not exist in rural settings. Research on the frontier is different that research in areas that were settled and populated. When a new location is encountered in your research, ask yourself “how is this place different from others places that I’ve researched?”  There will be differences. Learning about them helps the researcher to avoid mistakes.
[I posted this to my Rootdig blog, but am posting it here as well…thanks!] We are still working through a few issues after our transfer to WordPress for our blog management. We appreciate everyone’s patience. If you get this message, and have a free moment, please let me know–either by responding on the blog, or to the email. I usually write about whatever strikes my interest and don’t pay much heed to what may generate a lot of chatter or responses. I try and write things that I think people will read and get some help from–and often those are things that people don’t respond to. So….gentle reader, if you could let me know that I’m not operating in a vacuum, I’d appreciate it. Now back to our […]
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